Group Ride Ignores ‘Groups of 5+’ and ‘Physical Distancing’

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I'm under 30, riding for 3 years now.. I'm not understanding this thread anymore lol.

Riding in group is fine with the appropriate social distancing and whatnot whenever you're stopped. That includes riding with 1000000+ ppl..

But.. when you're all stopped to hang out and take selfies, it's kinda risky to spread the virus so maybe now isn't the time to hang out.. Rather, just ride and go home. Just a safety precaution to yourself, your family members, etc..

Then again who am I, or anyone of us.. on the internet to make these suggestions when none of these 'rules' are being enforced? Ya it sucks to see some members aren't the perfect internet friend we thought they were, but they have their rights to do what they want I guess.
I'm under 30, riding for 3 years now.. I'm not understanding this thread anymore lol.

Riding in group is fine with the appropriate social distancing and whatnot whenever you're stopped. That includes riding with 1000000+ ppl..

But.. when you're all stopped to hang out and take selfies, it's kinda risky to spread the virus so maybe now isn't the time to hang out.. Rather, just ride and go home. Just a safety precaution to yourself, your family members, etc..

Then again who am I, or anyone of us.. on the internet to make these suggestions when none of these 'rules' are being enforced? Ya it sucks to see some members aren't the perfect internet friend we thought they were, but they have their rights to do what they want I guess.
Don't disagree with you totally. But you are sidestepping the issue.
Organizers have the responsibility to tell people to go home, if they can't follow the rules. That is part of being an organizer, it is their ride, and their obligation.

Problem is, organizer says stuff (i.e. ride own pace, be safe) then proceeds to go full dumbass-hooligan. People tend to follow suit. He believes his 20 second speech absolves him of any liability. I know of several instances people have crashed (some with broken human body parts) and he's disappeared into the yonder so as to avoid any blowback.

I seriously regret teaching the organizer how to be a better rider and improve his skills. 2 of my friends and I took him "under our wings" to help, as he was genuinely interested in learning and getting better. Then, R6 came into the picture, and everything went out the window. I called him on his 180+ everywhere speeds, and he wrote a very well thought out apology and recognized his dangerous behaviours. That lasted about 2 weeks.
He's collected more black flags than anyone I have heard of (at least 7 now - wouldn't suprise me to be 10+) at track days.... So, dumbass behaviour on street translates directly to dumbass behaviour on track, where it absolutely does not belong.

So, this whole thread comes down to 2 things...
1) People think it's a dumb idea to congregate and are generally "normal" riders
2) People who think rules don't apply to them 'cause they're special snowflakes (typical stunter/hooligan mentality)

There's a divide here as big as the Republican/Democrat parties in the USA. They'll never agree on things, just like in this thread.
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This thread to me embodies everything wrong with most "motorcyclists" on this board and probably in the province in general - people who do barely, and can hardly, ride their machines arm-chairing everyone else and totally ready to get on board with authoritarian measures that negatively impact us all as a group.

You see it when lane splitting is mentioned
You see it when threads come up about people riding in a spirit manner on public roads
You can see it in this thread - the group organizers of the ride told people to practice good social distancing and not to hang out and congregate aside from riding - they shouldn't be blamed for a couple of folks (who for all we know are part of the same household) appearing close together in pictures.

"Boot lickers" is sort of mean and nasty, but the shoe fits for a whole lot of people who post here.
Why are people who participated in those rides even trying to argue anything? You've all come here needing to defend and justify yourselves all knowing you did something stupid and illegal. Hence the dumbasses calling others Karen and snitches in attempts to guilt trip them into trying not to call them out on this behaviour. All this behaviour since the day of the ride from those who participated or condoned it has been absolutely childish, and if I'm going to be brutally honest, that's a major insult to children.

You need to understand that if you're going to behave like an absolute tool, then yes, people are going to tell you what to do because it's absolutely clear that you have no idea. Your ability to follow basic instructions, rules and guidelines is so far removed that you think you're above them. Our society only moves as slow as our worst performing members, aka you. You're the problem as evident from the clear mental logistics you have to ride like you do in the Halloween video, with your cringey, edgelord aesthetics, thinking that no plates and stupid stunts downtown is somehow cool.

Grow up and stop acting like you're 14. Have some semblance of responsibility instead of self entitlement and learn some respect for once in your life. There's bigger things going on than your need to ride with friends. I won't feel bad for any of those riders if they caught covid and something happened. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. It's infinitely better to be a boot licker than the gum at the bottom of the boot.
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Saw a similar computer simulation the other day showing motorcycle riders in a group but I can't find it now. Because of the vortexes, if the lead guy was asymptomatic, pretty much everyone behind him was getting exposed.

I love being a street hooligan, love riding fast and love pulling wheelies any chance (I) get.
Can you please leave me alone now?
I haven't read this entire thread, it's pretty long and boring.
I think. I think you are the organizer of this event.
If so, you should be ashamed.

Or however organized this, should be very ashamed.
Pictures of riders not social distancing is shameful.
Wasn't on the ride, but if I was I would have followed the organizers guidelines to make sure to keep my distance from other folks and be safe.

My post was just to try to give some perspective to people on this site who should really sell the expensive paperweight they have in the garage and buy a set of knitting needles instead.

The KSR people in my experience are the exception to the "Ontario riders are mostly idiots" rule - so if you're looking at that group and the work they do and getting angry about it - do you really need to pay for insurance, take the risk, yourself a favor and just get out of the hobby ASAP
Wow just wow
Im not really going to pick sides here, because there is a large grey area in between Stay the **** at home and organize a group ride breaking the laws that were put in place to lesson the burden on the people your claiming to support.
Thats just silly.

I also realize that the Halloween video is quite old. But I’m going to say this.
And I’m wondering? The gentleman riding with the blow up doll through city streets.
I wonder if he now has children like the ones in the cars around him as he proceeds to hump a sex doll while riding a motorcycle. I have a 12 year old daughter that’s just starting to understand what sex is. I’m not even sure how I could explain this to her. Um Calling it childish behaviour would only confuse the matter and be an insult to children everywhere.

I guess I’m in the grey area were if you want to ride like an idiot then do it where no one sees you do it. Want to wheelie or go 200km + do it where there are less people. you want to **** your sex doll again please keep it private.
The need to do this in the middle of a city dose not make you a motorcyclist or a bad ass it makes you an attention starved *****.
F You now your making me sound old and for the last time get off my lawn.
My post was just to try to give some perspective to people on this site who should really sell the expensive paperweight they have in the garage and buy a set of knitting needles instead.

The KSR people in my experience are the exception to the "Ontario riders are mostly idiots" rule - so if you're looking at that group and the work they do and getting angry about it - do you really need to pay for insurance, take the risk, yourself a favor and just get out of the hobby ASAP

people who do barely, and can hardly, ride their machines

There's lots of people on this forum who ride more in a week than many of the wannabe Rossi's ride in an entire season, and there's guys here riding far clunkier or smaller CC bikes that could also ride circles along many of the "duckwalk all over the parking lot but go fast in a straight line crowd" in these groups spare us that ridiculous song and dance.

Saw a similar computer simulation the other day showing motorcycle riders in a group but I can't find it now. Because of the vortexes, if the lead guy was asymptomatic, pretty much everyone behind him was getting exposed.

That's not really applicable to motorcycle riding for a variety of reasons, mainly that it assumes the person at the front is coughing or sneezing, and that the resulting spray is unimpeded - IE, no helmet or buff or whatever to block it. It also doesn't take into consideration the wind movement around a motorcycle, ambient airflow direction, etc etc. It's useful info to keep in mind if you're walking/jogging/whatever around others in public in the months ahead, but the chances of anything being transferred bike to bike while riding is infinitesimally low.
Why is it, when S L Jackson drops an f bomb, that it just sounds like a normal part of the English language?
That's not really applicable to motorcycle riding for a variety of reasons, mainly that it assumes the person at the front is coughing or sneezing, and that the resulting spray is unimpeded - IE, no helmet or buff or whatever to block it. It also doesn't take into consideration the wind movement around a motorcycle, ambient airflow direction, etc etc. It's useful info to keep in mind if you're walking/jogging/whatever around others in public in the months ahead, but the chances of anything being transferred bike to bike while riding is infinitesimally low.
Not trying to argue. But go for an afternoon ride, and then wipe your jacket (which was clean) with a clean cloth. Same goes for you face. You'll be amazed how much crap you accumulate. No paranoia intended.
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