Group Ride Ignores ‘Groups of 5+’ and ‘Physical Distancing’

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Today I went out on my usual rip route which runs through Stoney Creek mountain to Ancaster, to Dundas, to Waterdown, then Burlington and back to stoney creek via Van Wagner's. I was accidentally part of 3 different groups along the way.
~200 km loop around PEC with a nice break in the middle at the Bird Sanctuary
100% compliance with social distancing
brought my own food and water
spirited riding kept to areas with no houses
beautiful day for rip
and didn't need 50 people with me to get a tank of gas
I want to greatly enlarge my loop, but I just can't put $600+ into a seat right now to replace the garbage factory one from Honda.

"Supporting our healthcare workers" as in....ensuring they have more patients to treat in the coming weeks to keep them busy so they don't get sent home for lack of work or something?

Because it kinda seems that's what this is apt to accomplish.

This was a total grasping at straws attempt at basically coming up for an excuse for a large group ride. "For the healthcare workers!" There, we're good...lets ride!

Don't get me wrong, I'm missing all my riding buddies too, and I an anticipating that when the word comes down that public gatherings are allowed again that they'll be limited to 10 or 15 (which doesn't work for all our scenarios, IE overnight or food/bbq destination rides), but we'll make it work by doing more rides with smaller numbers I guess....and be damned sure to follow the simple social distancing guidelines while doing so. I still don't understand why people can't grasp the importance of these guidelines. Geezus....
With apologies to people like PP,i hope it rains buckets for 40 days and 40 nights.
With apologies to people like PP,i hope it rains buckets for 40 days and 40 nights.

I hope those of us who will have the time and common sense to ride this summer enjoy it.

And I hope those who are stupid and can't be bothered to follow whatever guidelines are laid out to ensure we don't all end up back in lockdown repeatedly get hammered with big fat tickets for said stupidity while the rest of us continue on to enjoy our summer.

I'm already struggling with planning trips this summer trying to anticipate what will and will not be allowed so far as overnight travel of any distance. Everyone of these sorts of scenarios just makes it more and more likely that the public will be unwelcoming of people on motorcycles because we're perceived as a bunch of yahoos who think this is all a joke.
In my years of riding bikes, I've never riden in a group or with someone. I ride to ride, get away from things, not socialize or chit-chat, even before all this social distancing stuff. Not sure how people ride with others, from fuel stops, food, washroom breaks, attention etc... Riding in groups now for the groups posted above, is just attention seeking and the more that is posted and talked, the better those souls feel, as though their life has meaning, and that meaning is the ride with their buddies in tough times fabricating a lousy excuse like "for our healthcare workers". Uhmm... Didn't a paramedic just pass away in the fallen riders section, these group riders are just adding insult to injury in these times.
Riding with friends can be a lot of fun. Just because you've never had that experience apparently doesn't mean it isn't.

I respect those who like to ride solo, but I take issue with trying to belittle others who DO enjoy riding with some friends to enjoy the experience - some of my best memories of riding are with a bunch of buddies sitting by our bikes at a motel or in a campsite laughing over some cold beers after a long day of riding. Or just sitting having lunch together during a day ride.

But this is not the time for that sort of thing and the sensible amongst us realize that. My biggest "Group ride" this year was with 2 other buddies out to Port Hope and back (hardly a big deal) and we went out of our way to social distance and avoid civilization. 90% (probably over 2000km now) of my riding this season so far has been with one single other friend and we've taken a ton of precautions to not end up "patient zero" at point B.
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