Great Documentaries?


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Wicked to the max.


Not to be confused with Lords of Dogtown, the movie based on this documentary.
If you can find it, watch "The man with the 7 second memory"

It's messed up; the guy can't remember things past a few seconds! It's like he has a constant feeling of disorientation, since he forgets where he is all the time.
Food Inc.
The Fog of War with Richard Strange McNamara. An interesting and enlightening documentary by a hugely intelligent and thoughtful, if somewhat misguided, man.
I forgot to add one that I saw a couple of months ago:
Breathing Lessons: The Life & Work Of Matthew O'Brien

"The two mythologies about disabled people break down to one: we can’t do anything, or two: we can do everything. But the truth is, we’re just human."” O’Brien was a frequently published journalist and poet, and a contributor to National Public Radio. He contracted polio in childhood and, due to post-polio syndrome, spent much of his life in an iron lung. Yet for more than forty years, he fought against illness, bureaucracy and society’s conflicting perceptions of disability for his right to lead an independent life.
Breathing Lessons breaks down barriers to understanding by presenting an honest and intimate portrait of a complex, intelligent, beautiful and interesting person, who happens to be disabled. Incorporating the vivid imagery of O’Brien’s poetry, and his candid, wry and often profound reflections on work, sex, death and God, this provocative film asks: what makes a life worth living? "

The whole movie's full of quotables. Dude does all his writing with a touch screen and a pencil in his mouth to type.

Here are 2 quotes that really stood out to me:
- "Don’t talk about “death with dignity” until society grants us life with dignity"
- Disability strengthens the duality between the body & spirit because they don’t have much of a body, so they focus on their soul

He's a really intelligent guy who's hooked up to a machine that has to breathe for him. It's only 35 minutes, but very well-made.

Specifically speaking, the Liberia (current) and North Korea ones are pretty good. Sometimes, its not always obvious what their biases are, though. They seem to tell the entire story pretty well.
Why We Fight (2005). Quite startling.
This is old, but I found it really interesting...

Ultimate 10 Unexplained Mysteries...examines ghosts, Spontaneous Human Combustion, Ufos...all that good stuff (is about 1 hour long).

I also enjoy just about anything done by the Penn and Teller-Bullsh!t show. It's not really a documentary, but they explore "bullsh!t", i.e. environmentalism, creationism, etc etc, in a really entertaining manner.
For the record it's extremely biased...but also hilarious and thought provoking.

Here's one on "Environmental Hysteria"...
"What Would Jesus Buy?" is entertaining and kinda freaky at the same time. X-mas related with crazy christians and their retarded home-schooled kids in the southern states.

my favorite part was when they said had a party with and prayed with a cardboard cut-out of Pres. Bush.
The Trap
Guns, Germs & Steel
The Corporation
The Money Masters
The Pharmacratic Inquisition
Esoteric Agenda
The Smartest Guy in The Room
Architects of Control
Jesus Camp (scariest horror movie on the planet, IMHO)
Zeitgeist (although I have mixed feelings on the Addendum version)
Ring of Power
Planet Earth (I have the extended BuRay version with Galapagos, etc.)

Others, but these came to mind first.
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