GP Wish?


See above from the great Gary Gygax. Jesus definitely isn't the reason for the season, Pagans are. Putting that text in bold means they're trying to make a point which seems to be the thing for middle aged white people to complain about. Getting their panties in a bunch over semantics and being exclusionary rather than inclusive (re: Happy Holidays vs. Merry Christmas)

See above from the great Gary Gygax. Jesus definitely isn't the reason for the season, Pagans are. Putting that text in bold means they're trying to make a point which seems to be the thing for middle aged white people to complain about. Getting their panties in a bunch over semantics and being exclusionary rather than inclusive (re: Happy Holidays vs. Merry Christmas)

6. Jesus commanded his followers to commemorate the observance of his death.

I'm all for another holiday for that.
6. Jesus commanded his followers to commemorate the observance of his death.

I'm all for another holiday for that.

I dunno if you're being sarcastic, but that would be Easter.

See above from the great Gary Gygax. Jesus definitely isn't the reason for the season, Pagans are. Putting that text in bold means they're trying to make a point which seems to be the thing for middle aged white people to complain about. Getting their panties in a bunch over semantics and being exclusionary rather than inclusive (re: Happy Holidays vs. Merry Christmas)

It's not the "Jesus" part that bugs me, but the "true reason for the season" part. As if the secular, commercial, Christmas were any less worthy than the Catholic version.
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I found it odd. You don't see that much anymore. I'm ok with it, I don't believe in anything so I'm never offended.
As a Jew, I have nothing against them wishing people Merry Christmas. I do believe it's bad marketing though. They could have wished everyone a happy holiday, instead of alienating anyone that's not Christian.
Not really surprised by this, though I don't believe it's a great marketing choice either.
I was always told GP stood for "Gods People".
+1 Whoever said it's their business they can do whatever they want. I'm happy with GP as a customer.

However if they started quoting the Bible on every publication and their website I'll likely not feel so comfortable shopping there again.
+1 Whoever said it's their business they can do whatever they want. I'm happy with GP as a customer.

However if they started quoting the Bible on every publication and their website I'll likely not feel so comfortable shopping there again.

I too am happy with GP as a customer. If it wasn't so far away I'd go there more often.
Really, I don't take much anything personal and just see it all as business. I wouldn't let my personal views and beliefs interfere with my interaction with others. Infact, it's the exact opposite.
Unless they're actively trying to affect anyone's life, I'll generally leave people alone and let them do what they want.

The way I see it:
Everyone has the right to do and be what they want. They lose this right when they try to remove someone else's right.

So while they're still peaceful about it, they can continue what they're doing.
Respect my culture by changing yours.... Toronto is over the top with all this PC crap.

PS: I dont believe in anything either.

See above from the great Gary Gygax. Jesus definitely isn't the reason for the season, Pagans are. Putting that text in bold means they're trying to make a point which seems to be the thing for middle aged white people to complain about. Getting their panties in a bunch over semantics and being exclusionary rather than inclusive (re: Happy Holidays vs. Merry Christmas)

I never knew Gygax was Christian. I learned something on GTAM this year, lol. :shock:
I am a customer at GP Bikes also and they treat me very good with no hassle at what if the owner and some or all of the staff are Religious...and they wished us a Merry's their right and their belief, either you accept it or you don't and get on with your daily life!
It was a nice gesture and it was thoughtful to thank and wish the GP's customers!

Personally I am not religious and I think that religion is the root of all evil, the starter of wars! I don't nitpick or complain if someone say's Merry Christmas to me!

Merry Christmas!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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I'm happy to deal with anybody that wishes me a happy anything.
have a nice friday
thanks for coming in
Merry Christmas
anything is fine

and for those that questioned the marketing aspect, though I doubt GP attached any marketing thoughts to thier message, heres an interweb thread talking about GP.......
They didn't wish me Merry Christmas, and I just bought a bike from them... :(

Must be too new on their mailing list.
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