I used to coast my bike the last quarter mile home, mostly for fun, but i stopped after the second near collision after someone backed out of their driveway. Loud pipes do save lives, motorcycles that you can't hear might as well be invisible. I try my best to not bother anyone though, within reason. Nobody has more right to make noise then me anyway, living by a heli port and train tracks. The helis have the loudest old 1960s design rotors possible, the trains have old blown out mufflers, and the dump trucks smashing over the crappy old disrepair train tracks shakes my house so bad when the ground is frozen my ceilings are all cracked. I don't complain, its my responsibility for living where i do.
I know fighting for personal responsibility is a loosing battle. Every day people become more dependent, more whiny, more castrated. Every day the masses of zombies grow. Every day the police state grows. Everyday the burden grows.