Got a drunk arrested and off the road today

A group of us were riding in the Kawarthas and came around a corner to find a RIDE patrol blocking the road. OPP came up to me and leaned in close when I flipped up my modular helmet to ask me if I had been drinking. My response then was "It's 11 in the morning", like what are your chances of finding someone drunk just before lunch on a weekday, and then I responded no, I had not been drinking. After she checked everyone we went on our way.

I came to realize there is a group of hard core drinkers who drink virtually 24/7 and are buzzed or smashed all the time. These are the people with multiple DUI's who should have ignition interlock systems, should have their vehicles seized and spend time in jail when caught and should be in court mandated rehab. Not to diminish their responsibility, they have addiction issues, need to be held accountable, but also need medical intervention as a condition of keeping their license.

Addictions are a curse and I don't think people without the problems understand. My first shot of morphine for a kidney stone left me so spaced out that when my wife got me home I wouldn't have cared if the house was on fire. "Gee look at all the red trucks"

I can understand a person getting hooked.

However their problem / disease can not overrule the need for safety. I would prefer to see punishment for DUI replaced with some form of therapy but I don't think they're anywhere near a cure.
Off topic but there’s a treatment in Poland that my alcoholic uncle tried. They give you some drugs, and if you drink then you puke your guts out. It worked for a while, but he figured out if he drinks fast enough, the puking won’t be felt because he’ll be too drunk.

RIP uncle J.
Off topic but there’s a treatment in Poland that my alcoholic uncle tried. They give you some drugs, and if you drink then you puke your guts out. It worked for a while, but he figured out if he drinks fast enough, the puking won’t be felt because he’ll be too drunk.

RIP uncle J.
That's been available here forever.
It's called "Antabuse".
The kids go on it. It gets them off the booze. They wind up hooked on cocaine.
That's been available here forever.
It's called "Antabuse".
The kids go on it. It gets them off the booze. They wind up hooked on cocaine.
Oh wow didn’t think something like that would be available here. Good to know I guess....not sure which is worse. Heavy on the coke or booze...
Its been available here for quite some time, however, first they go off the pills, then off the wagon, then off the rails....

Its a horrible disease if you cant control it
Off topic but there’s a treatment in Poland that my alcoholic uncle tried. They give you some drugs, and if you drink then you puke your guts out. It worked for a while, but he figured out if he drinks fast enough, the puking won’t be felt because he’ll be too drunk.

RIP uncle J.
I had a friend that was on it but it isn't a cure. If a person wants to cheat they can find ways and doing daily drug tests get tiring. He was substance dependant on many things, Camel cigarettes, aspirin, booze and coffee ( 40 + cups a day)
I had a friend that was on it but it isn't a cure. If a person wants to cheat they can find ways and doing daily drug tests get tiring. He was substance dependant on many things, Camel cigarettes, aspirin, booze and coffee ( 40 + cups a day)
A friend is intimately involved with attempted inpatient treatment. The overwhelming majority of patients have multiple dependencies. If you remove access to one, they often switch to something they can get (for instance substance abuse becomes sex addiction if no substances are available). It is a mental issue, not an issue with the vice that they think they are trying to deal with. Most of it is centred around feeling the need to control something even if that ruins your life. It would be really interesting if it wasn't so destructive.
A group of us were riding in the Kawarthas and came around a corner to find a RIDE patrol blocking the road. OPP came up to me and leaned in close when I flipped up my modular helmet to ask me if I had been drinking. My response then was "It's 11 in the morning", like what are your chances of finding someone drunk just before lunch on a weekday, and then I responded no, I had not been drinking. After she checked everyone we went on our way.

I came to realize there is a group of hard core drinkers who drink virtually 24/7 and are buzzed or smashed all the time. These are the people with multiple DUI's who should have ignition interlock systems, should have their vehicles seized and spend time in jail when caught and should be in court mandated rehab. Not to diminish their responsibility, they have addiction issues, need to be held accountable, but also need medical intervention as a condition of keeping their license.

I have a friend who is a cop and he says their guys who work in the drinking and driving unit arrest people for drinking and driving at 10 am at LCBO parking lots. Those who have an alchol additction will run out of alchol and drive in the morning to the LCBO to pick up more.
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I have a friend who is a cop and he says their guys who work in the drinking and driving unit arrest people for drinking and driving at 10 am at LCBO parking lots. Those who have an alchol additction will run out of alchol and drive in the morning to the LCBO to pick up more.

that's shooting fish in a barrel, not even good sport.
I have a friend who is a cop and he says their guys who work in the drinking and driving unit arrest people for drinking and driving at 10 am at LCBO parking lots. Those who have an alchol additction will run out of alchol and drive in the morning to the LCBO to pick up more.
OPP/TP would sit at the Park Lawn entrance and exit in the mornings during work. My buddy asked them why bother in the mornings....they caught many drunks each morning going to work....that’s frightening.
Is there even a punishment for drink driving in Ontario? Or is the insurance hike considered the punishment? People who drive when drunk would probably drive without insurance too.
They will drive with no insurance (because technically your uninsured when impaired) , no license , and the cycle will continue, because the insurance after a DUI is very punishing and they 'cant afford it' .
Some will go to jail, loose their license, which means they loose their job, and loose a marriage and access to their kids. And still drink.
They will drive with no insurance (because technically your uninsured when impaired) , no license , and the cycle will continue, because the insurance after a DUI is very punishing and they 'cant afford it' .
Some will go to jail, loose their license, which means they loose their job, and loose a marriage and access to their kids. And still drink.
Yup. Then once you lose the wife and access to the kids, and the job they’ll stop paying child support and alimony and then they’ll lose their passport.

And then drink some more.
I had a friend that was on it but it isn't a cure. If a person wants to cheat they can find ways and doing daily drug tests get tiring. He was substance dependant on many things, Camel cigarettes, aspirin, booze and coffee ( 40 + cups a day)
I'd be fine with Capital punishment for repeat offenders to tell you the truth. Only a matter of time before they kill an innocent bystander.
OPP/TP would sit at the Park Lawn entrance and exit in the mornings during work. My buddy asked them why bother in the mornings....they caught many drunks each morning going to work....that’s frightening.
A lifetime ago I did a ride program with TPS. They setup at 427 and Dixon to catch people driving from their hotels in the morning after some big conference (Americans)

Wasn’t pretty.
They will drive with no insurance (because technically your uninsured when impaired) , no license , and the cycle will continue, because the insurance after a DUI is very punishing and they 'cant afford it' .
Some will go to jail, loose their license, which means they loose their job, and loose a marriage and access to their kids. And still drink.
Yup knew a guy who lost everything his wife his daughter then his life. Couldn't stay sober but would call every few months saying how he had turned everything around but was obviously drunk at the time.

Sent from my Chesterfield using my thumbs
I'd be fine with Capital punishment for repeat offenders to tell you the truth. Only a matter of time before they kill an innocent bystander.
My friend DUI'd far more than once and had several collisions, fortunately only property damage. I don't know how many times you would allow a person to get away with DUI before you chopped off his head. Life isn't baseball. You don't get three swings at the ball before you're out of play.

In the real world if you work with electricity you don't get three opportunities to latch onto a 600 volt line before it fries you. You don't get hurt until you fall of a ladder three times? Not in my world.

I have no idea of how many times a person drives drunk before a death or serious injury is recorded. How many actual events of DUI occur per DUI death? I'm not talking about charges. Include the those that didn't get caught or didn't even realize they were over 8.

One also has to take into consideration whether the drunk is aggressive or passive when driving. I knew a guy that was very passive and in the only case I know of where he was over 8 he ran up on a street car abutment, driving in snow. The police came by, helped him off the barrier and wished him well.

Another guy I knew was Italian and drank a lot of wine. His "Normal" was over 8 and only got caught because he unknowingly drove past a fishing hole.

Others are more aggressive, pedal to the metal.

Regardless of type, the problem can't be allowed to continue but where is the line drawn? What do you do with people that can't learn?

The last part forms part of the US logic of the three strikes law that gets a person life in jail for stealing a bike.

If you got offed for a second DUI would you be more likely to run and become a greater risk to others?

The basic question is, what do we do with people that don't learn? I don't think a lot of progress has been made with getting people to learn whether it's to not DUI, not get your girlfriend pregnant, not take illegal drugs, steal, etc, etc. We are talking about behaviour modification and we know little about it.
US Senate is thinking about doing something about drunk driving. I'm not convinced it's the correct approach for a whole host of reasons but it is interesting to see something being done. They also left a huge hole in the plan (automakers can just say no and ignore the law for a decade).

In 2019, lawmakers told Reuters that automakers could use devices that would determine a driver’s blood alcohol level by their touching the steering wheel or engine start button, or could install sensors that would passively monitor a driver’s breath or eye-movements.

The bill would require the U.S. Transportation Department to set a technology safety standard within three years – and then give automakers at least another two years to comply – as long as new requirements are “reasonable, practicable, and appropriate.”

The bill said if regulators do not finalize new safety rules within 10 years, the department must report to Congress.

The Senate bill does not specify the technology but said it must “passively monitor the performance of a driver of a motor vehicle to accurately identify whether that driver may be impaired.”
I have no idea of how many times a person drives drunk before a death or serious injury is recorded. How many actual events of DUI occur per DUI death? I'm not talking about charges. Include the those that didn't get caught or didn't even realize they were over 8.

When I was younger I drank and drove allot. Never any accidents or charges. I was an aggressive sober driver but a passive (paranoid) drunk driver so friends actually said they trusted me more drunk and at times paid me to drive their vehicles home from parties. There were a few times where it was just pure luck that I didn't kill myself or someone else though due to the level of intoxication.

mid/late 2000s, I had a friend from another small town who was the captain of the hockey team. first time he got pulled over drinking the cops followed him home to make sure that he made it there safe. The next time he got pulled over they gave him a "drinking in public" ticket because there was an open beer in the cup holder. I found it pretty shocking even back then what he was getting away with.
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