Got a drunk arrested and off the road today

Nikola Tesla

Well-known member
Yonge and Snowdon at around 3pm, white Acura suv stopped at red light (left hand lane) I was coming to the light (right hand lane) and stopped, half second later a black f150 rear ends white suv beside me and came pretty close to me.

Not much damage to the vehicles but the lady in the black f150 was clearly under the influence of alcohol or drugs/medicine, very crazy weird lady, she had a wooly loose sweater on but was naked underneath, she flashed us, saw her saggy things lol, she was stumbling and talking nonsense to both I and the white suv lady.

Cops came, handcuffed her, back of the police car, off to the station to get tested for substance/alcohol, gave our statements and info, hopefully no court is necessary.

Parked my bike about 60m away then walked back to the accident to act as a witness... lots of cars, other riders and even pedestrians asked me if I was okay, interesting how they automatically assumed I was involved, good people!

Stay safe out there all
was your gopro able to get a shot of her tits by any chance?
Interesting situation. Glad they will take care of her, and nothing happened to you. Never stop checking eveything around you, the stupid are everywhere. Today I had about 3 cars nearly crossing the centre line from the opposite direction. People can't even drive in straight lines these days. :mad:
Interesting situation. Glad they will take care of her, and nothing happened to you. Never stop checking eveything around you, the stupid are everywhere. Today I had about 3 cars nearly crossing the centre line from the opposite direction. People can't even drive in straight lines these days. :mad:

Drive the backroads in Halton. People take their lane out of the center.
Drive the backroads in Halton. People take their lane out of the center.
Sounds very similar as I was doing back roads between Fenelon Falls and Bobcaygeon where 2 of those happened. Maybe more north with a lot less traffic would be better. Not to say today was busy actually the roads were kinda empty. Glad some people are staying home (y) ?
It's happened more than a few times for me given my job. Once about 6 or 8 years ago in Lindsay...came to a stop light, light turned directly in front of me did not go. Light turned red. Light turned green again, car did not go. Got out of truck to find guy dead asleep behind the wheel, engine running, car in gear, foot on brake. Called 911, police roared up and parked directly in front of the guy as I told them car was running and in gear - if he'd startled when he woke up he'd have gone straight into traffic.

Similar thing in Oshawa 3-4 years ago, industrial area. Passed out behind wheel in the middle of the road. Similar result - 4 cop cars surrounded the guys car before they even knocked on the window.

You see all sorts of things in this job..... I've called in countless suspected drunks on the 401 over the years but never hang around to find out the results of those.....just want them off the road.
A group of us were riding in the Kawarthas and came around a corner to find a RIDE patrol blocking the road. OPP came up to me and leaned in close when I flipped up my modular helmet to ask me if I had been drinking. My response then was "It's 11 in the morning", like what are your chances of finding someone drunk just before lunch on a weekday, and then I responded no, I had not been drinking. After she checked everyone we went on our way.

I came to realize there is a group of hard core drinkers who drink virtually 24/7 and are buzzed or smashed all the time. These are the people with multiple DUI's who should have ignition interlock systems, should have their vehicles seized and spend time in jail when caught and should be in court mandated rehab. Not to diminish their responsibility, they have addiction issues, need to be held accountable, but also need medical intervention as a condition of keeping their license.
A group of us were riding in the Kawarthas and came around a corner to find a RIDE patrol blocking the road. OPP came up to me and leaned in close when I flipped up my modular helmet to ask me if I had been drinking. My response then was "It's 11 in the morning", like what are your chances of finding someone drunk just before lunch on a weekday, and then I responded no, I had not been drinking. After she checked everyone we went on our way.
Its pretty common to see RIDE programs in cottage country on Sunday am , the go home day , and outside big campgrounds and parks on Saturday or sunday am . Folks stay up till 3am going hard around the campfire and at 10am are still legally impaired.
You can see some in Industrial areas the morning after big sporting events, day after stanley cup or superbowl, guys are still loaded at 7am headed into work. Its a target market .
Its not always the 24/7 drunk crowd they are looking for , its also Campfire Kate and her gal pals doing tequila shots.
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