Got 2k in my pocket.. what now? Or should I wait..

front end is relatively easy
rear will involve some parts

new thread would be good I figure

Okay my next question would be if it would cost a lot at a mechanics? lol

I don't like 'parts'... one part leads to others...and others... and then you're missing this... and have to wait for that.. lol
Okay my next question would be if it would cost a lot at a mechanics? lol

I don't like 'parts'... one part leads to others...and others... and then you're missing this... and have to wait for that.. lol

rear involves typically changing some suspension links
front is just sliding the forks in the triple clamps
maybe the seller has the original links around?

about a 2 hour job to do properly if parts are on hand
a bit more if you want the sag properly adjusted for you
I was waiting for good news ! you sound happy ! happy for you im smiling lol. congrats.

Oh ya it's been wonderful. I'm still getting used to the power

I need to make a few adjustments.. mainly I need to raise it back to stock. It's been lowered, I'm 6' and I'm flat footing it with my knees pretty bent...
That and I have to adjust the idle on it. It's idling a little low... only around 1200rpm

Otherwise it's been amazing! Been riding yesterday obviously brought it hope.. .and today solo and tonight with a buddy.
Glad to hear you are enjoying the bike! I will never forget the 1st time I opened it up on a Super Sport. God did I hold on for dear life LOL! Previous owner didn't have the stock rear link for raising it back up? It isn't too hard of a job, but if you are concerned get a mech to do it and it will likely be an hour labour or so. I would take you bike to a reputable mechanic and just get your whole suspension dialed in while your at it for the rear link and raising the front.
In regards to idle....1200rpm seems just fine.
I did adjust the idling.. even at 1200rpm it felt to low, especially when turning it on cold... I found the adjuster screw easily and adjusted it to be a little higher more around 1300rpm which is sounding a lot better.
I believe from what I can see the stock dogbone is still on the bike, so I don't think I have to raise that, maybe some adjustments but I believe he didn't change out the link to lower the suspension BUT might have shaved off some of the seat itself.. If that makes any sense?
I think if I just raise the front forks I won't have the problem, I don't think he slammed the front forks but he definitely lowered them.
If the seat was shaved, the forks and dogbones night not have been touched. If the PO raised the forks without changing the dogbones, should handle badly. Post up pics of them and someone with the same bike might confirm. Also join a forum for you model and ask there.
If the seat was shaved, the forks and dogbones night not have been touched. If the PO raised the forks without changing the dogbones, should handle badly. Post up pics of them and someone with the same bike might confirm. Also join a forum for you model and ask there.

I'm going to try to take some side pictures tonight or tomorrow. When looking even at the picture I posted earlier you can't see it? I can see it... lol

I need to hold up up and straight tho for a good side shot.
nope ...can't make it better when it's that small.

Unfortunately, that's what she said.

Also, this pic isn't clear for you? Strange, looks ok in Tapatalk, but I don't know wtf I'm looking for.

Sent from my purple G4 using Tapatalk
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From taking a closer look last night(Couldn't take a pic it got to dark) I think it was just the seat that was shaved down about 2-3 inches and thats it. I'm looking at pics of other stock 99 CBR600F4's and from what I see my CBR is sitting the same way. All I might need to get is a stock seat and that should be enough.
It's absolutely the seat that's been lowered and nothing else. I can see from the 'Tiny' pic that it scoops down a bit over the stock on which is straighter from the butt... For reference: I know its hard to tell but you can see the front lip of the seat come up higher with the stock one... I know I know I'm not giving you much to work on in regards to pics of my bike.. I can't even take any tonight cause I'll be busy.

Now I decided whether to foam it myself or see if I can find something online for a decent price. It it hard to refoam a seat, it doesn't look to difficult with the right tools. I could also tailor it a little more and put in a 1inch soft foam for comfort.

I have looked a bit, maybe someone could confirm this for me.. But I've seen 2006 F4i seats being sold as being able to fit 1999-2000 F4. If that's the case it would definitely open up my options a bit.
I've rebuilt a seat before and it isn't that bad. It will probably be cheaper and easier to find a stock seat than to buy the foam and vinyl/leather and sew a new cover yourself.
I've rebuilt a seat before and it isn't that bad. It will probably be cheaper and easier to find a stock seat than to buy the foam and vinyl/leather and sew a new cover yourself.

I feel like molding the foam through cutting and fine sanding would be the hardest part to get it right. And finding the materials doesn't seem like they are the easiest to get...



Although looking at ebay, I'd probably drop $200-250 for one with shipping and import charges...
This is probably the one I should get.. best example:
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Simplest to get a stock low mileage seat. High mileage means the foam is packed down/worn out a bit. I've done that to a couple of bike seats. Even recovered a seat or two before. Replaced the black with grey...wasn't as hot from sitting in the sun. Never got around to finding suitable replacement foam though. Needs to be really high density stuff. Maybe a car seat foam from a wrecker would work, but by then you might just as well fork over for a stock one.

Or you could add a seat pad on top or under the cover and re-staple the cover on.
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Although looking at ebay, I'd probably drop $200-250 for one with shipping and import charges...

For that you are too close to a custom seat.



consider a peg kit as well

put in a 1inch soft foam for comfort.

soft is not what you want...shape and controlled firmness is what you want...let the experts do it.

My KLR Sargent seat is a flat plank...looks exactly like the OEM flat plank I took off....but I can go 2-3 times the distance on it.
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