GoPro video of fatal motorcycle accident


- Ride Safe guys

Brings back memories. ouch.
Ouch, you could see it coming.

Damn we are fragile. I was expecting him to hit the car and stop, he seemed to fly quite a ways.
The rider's reaction/voice right before the collision and then the silent finality of the footage is haunting. RIP David.
Should be required viewing in MSF courses. Excessive speed and a failure to drive defensively with an eye toward the mistakes and ignorance of other drivers will get you killed.

So sad.
I hope everyone one here watches this.


Keep the speeds down, this is the only way can avoid this. We are never going to improve or change car drivers.

If you want to fly,, go to the track.

If you notice a possible left turner, do tire lane changes in your lane.

Drive with your high beams on.

Every little but helps.

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"
Slowing down is particularly important through intersections. Never be going faster through an intersection than what other drivers are expecting to see.

Bear in mind that a private driveway with a car that appears like it might move out into the roadway counts as an intersection, as far as you are concerned.
Now you guys stop blaming the rider. Did you not watch the video? He is:

1. Young;
2. Has a need to speed;
3. Is riding a sport bike.

These things ALL permit him to break the law ride ant ridiculous speeds, pass everything else that moves.... AND MOST importantly makes ANY collision automatically the fault of the cager...

There will be NO discouraging of riding well over the limit, nor of blaming of ANY rider, as they are only acting as they should, self important people whose enjoyment of the road trumps all others.

In reality the cager likely made the decision to turn left, while "David" was still behind the cager and may not have even realized he had passed the cage in it's OWN lane.
97mph = 155km/h.

A good reminder for us all (especially the link to the analysis by a motorcycle-writer) but nothing unexpected. RIP.
Looked like a sport touring machine, maybe an FJR. However; his speed left him no reaction time.

Yes it is an FJR, My post was MEANT to be sarcastic. But I guess that was lost so I will make sure even sarcastic posts are factual.
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