GoPro video of fatal motorcycle accident


I once read on this forum by someone "assume everyone on the road is actually retarded" or something along the lines of that. Though that may be degrading to those with a mental illness, this philosophy I have taken literally on the road and it's definitely improved my defensive riding.

I prefer "assume everyone else on the road is trying to kill you"
^ That is a correct judgment, as it should be.

It's on the rider's video that the car turned in front of the motorcycle - violating the motorcyclist's right of way, regardless of the speed of the bike. The car driver should not have done that, and was properly charged and convicted for it. The evidence is plain as day on video. "Careless driving" doesn't necessarily mean a sustained period of improper behaviour ... a one second inappropriate decision (turning in front of another vehicle that has right of way) is enough.

It's also on video that the rider was travelling at excessive speed ... but it would serve little purpose to lay charges against a dead person.

Keep in mind that legal definitions of "careless driving causing death" etc are not necessarily the same between different countries.

I would like to know if the speed of the ride was taken into consideration when determining the fine/sentence.
I would like to know if the speed of the ride was taken into consideration when determining the fine/sentence.

This collision happened in a country that is signatory to the Vienna convention on road traffic (i.e. pretty much most places in the world except USA/Canada). Those traffic rules define priority (we call it "right of way") at intersections very clearly and the priority rules take precedence over anything else. If you are in the non-priority situation, it is your responsibility to yield to the priority vehicle regardless of anything else. It doesn't matter if the priority vehicle was doing 20 km/h or 200 km/h.

It sounds to me like the fact that his actions killed another person were taken into consideration when determining the fine and sentence.

Of course, by those same rules, the motorcyclist was considerably in violation also, but he's no longer around to be charged and convicted.
This video is chilling to me not only because of the human tragedy but because I also ride an American FJR with speedo in mph. Indeed the rider was traveling at close to 100 mph at impact. It's been said already but I'll say it again. "Slow down when approaching intersections or driveways!" I doubt most of us could detect a bike flying towards us at 100 mph.
Best post i've read in awhile

I dont think this thread should be about who is at fault.. As most of these seem to be about after the usual crowd chip in with their $.02

Here 3 facts

1. There are laws on the road
2. People brake the laws
3. Laws 1 n 2 will never change

Who gives a F"cK
What you should be worried about is. How do i prevent this from happening.

The only thing the rider can do on that road in that time is ride slower.. And why? Not because its the law but because its the only way he can prevent himself from getting killed by some idiots wrong doing

You think the rider cares about who is at fault who turned when?

You cannot count on other people being smart or obeying laws. You do the smart thing to keep yourself alive

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"
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