An interesting person of our lifetime.
Never heard of him, what did he do? Basketball player or something?
ahhh...I was kidding...
Tough crowd
Never heard a bad thing about him.
Ive yet to hear anything bad about this man.
Never heard a bad thing about him. On the news today, they lump him in with Gandhi and Martin Luther King. Like a set. I think that's pretty good. I'll watch more news later tonight. Maybe some other interesting tidbits will come out of this.
And what happened if you crossed the MK?
"The practice became a common method of lynching among black South Africans during disturbances in South Africa in the 1980s and 1990s. The first recorded instance took place in Uitenhage on 23 March 1985 when black African National Congress (ANC) supporters killed a black councillor who was accused of being a White collaborator.[SUP][1][/SUP]
Necklacing "sentences" were sometimes handed down against alleged criminals by "people's courts" established in black townships as a means of enforcing their own judicial system. Necklacing was also used by the black community to punish members of the black community who were perceived as collaborators with the apartheid government. These included black policemen, town councilors and others, as well as their relatives and associates. The practice was often carried out in the name of the ANC. Winnie Mandela, then-wife of the imprisoned Nelson Mandela and a senior member of the ANC, even made statements that endorsed its use.[SUP][2][/SUP] The ANC officially condemned the practice.[SUP][3][/SUP] The number of deaths per month in South Africa related to political unrest as a whole from 1992 through 1995 ranged from 54 to 605 and averaged 244.[SUP][4][/SUP] These figures are inclusive of massacres as well as deaths not attributed to necklacing."
Sick, sick stuff.
Never heard of him, what did he do? Basketball player or something?
Of course you never heard a bad thing about him, he was the darling of the main stream media. But if he wasn't sent to jail for terrorism he would have committed acts worse than his ex wife did.
Lol I love the way people try to deify the "good" historical figures like Mandela and Gandhi. They were both politicians who rose to great power and freed their people from oppression. Of course they committed/sanctioned barbaric violent acts. No matter what the propaganda you've been lapping up tells you, their excrement doesn't smell like roses.
Does that fall into the category of "you gotta do what you gotta do sorry about the collateral"? Should they have settled for a letter writing campaign?
I'm not condemning their methods. I am condemning the fact that their methods are being swept under the rug.