"Good Samaritans" rob victim


Well-known member
This is probably the most disgusting thing I've seen all year


At first, it appears as though onlookers had captured a rare moment of compassion during the shocking London riots.

*Scroll down for video*
A young man sits at the side of the road, bleeding from the head or nose, and is approached by a group of apparent Good Samaritans.
A man in a tracksuit kneels down to help the bleeding man to his feet and begins leading to safety.
Then, in a sickening turn, another man wearing a baseball cap comes up from behind and begins rummaging through the injured man’s backpack. Before long, another man on a bicycle pulls up and reaches into the lad’s bag, as does the man in the tracksuit who, apparently believing the lad’s injuries to be minor, seems to also want to get in on the free-for-all robbery.
Before long, the man in the baseball cap finds an object in the bag, yanks it out, and takes off down the road, throwing something on the ground in the process.
The group, having seemingly decided there was nothing else worth stealing from the bleeding youth, turns its back and continues up the road, leaving the dazed victim to wander alone.
The disturbing video, posted to YouTube late Monday, has elicited nearly 500 comments condemning the behaviour of the mob.
“This is pathetic,” wrote one commenter, going by the name InternetPoster. “The two guys lift him up, giving the impression they are helping him, and then take his stuff. A third comes over to get a piece of the action, and dozens of others watch and do nothing. What happened to England?”
“This is just the lowest of the low,” wrote commenter EverythingTaboo.
On Tuesday, Metropolitan Police Commander Simon Foy warned that those who have taken part in the rioting and looting over the past three days would be “brought to justice,” as he released the first batch of photographs of suspects.
“Those who have or intend to go out and commit violent, criminal acts should be warned,” he said in a statement. “We will not tolerate the violence that has been seen in parts of London.”
"A man in a tracksuit" is not a Good Samaritan in England (apparent or otherwise). They're known as Hoodies or Chavs and while not necessarily dangerous just passing one on the street. During a riot they're just like all the other hooligans.
I got physically sick from watching that...how does someone live with themselves after doing that. I would LOVE the opportunity to talk to somebody who would do something like this and find out what makes them believe that this is ok to do.
while your talking to them, their buddy will be taking stuff out of your backpack

I got physically sick from watching that...how does someone live with themselves after doing that. I would LOVE the opportunity to talk to somebody who would do something like this and find out what makes them believe that this is ok to do.
So much for the ideal of the English Gentleman. The country has descended into barely contained anarchy. For a country with such a fine tradition of decent behaviour, it's a shame to see how low it's sunk. Of course, they'd like to blame all the dirty immigrants for ruining their culture, but we all know that just isn't true.
Whats so suprising about that video?

The poor dude gets caught up in the middle of a violent looting mob?? When there are people all around you wearing hoodies and masks covering their faces trust no one.

People in England get messed up all the time during rival soccer matches. sometimes for just wearing the wrong colours.

It acutally looks like some other passerby's are telling of the guy who took something from the victims backpack as they are walking away.

It acutally looked quite civilized, they didnt jump or hurt the victim in any way.
Whats so suprising about that video?

The poor dude gets caught up in the middle of a violent looting mob?? When there are people all around you wearing hoodies and masks covering their faces trust no one.

People in England get messed up all the time during rival soccer matches. sometimes for just wearing the wrong colours.

It acutally looks like some other passerby's are telling of the guy who took something from the victims backpack as they are walking away.

It acutally looked quite civilized, they didnt jump or hurt the victim in any way.

Robbing someone who your pretending to help is civilized? Are you serious??
Robbing someone who your pretending to help is civilized? Are you serious??

umm its pretty obvious, im sure it was to the victim as well that he was being robbed as soon as they opened his backpack.

They could have just beat him black and blue, or cut the backpack off. I dont think it was coordinated, the guy robbing him just saw a opportunity and took it-- thats what theives do. The guy that got whatever was in his backpack took off pretty quick alone. Whatever he took looked like it was brand new as the guy threw away the plastic wrapping.

this happens all the time everyday, even in toronto, its called pick pocketing etc..
umm its pretty obvious, im sure it was to the victim as well that he was being robbed as soon as they opened his backpack.

They could have just beat him black and blue, or cut the backpack off. I dont think it was coordinated, the guy robbing him just saw a opportunity and took it-- thats what theives do. The guy that got whatever was in his backpack took off pretty quick alone. Whatever he took looked like it was brand new as the guy threw away the plastic wrapping.

this happens all the time everyday, even in toronto, its called pick pocketing etc..

Good point. Entirely possible that the "victim" had just taken said item doing a bit of looting of his own.
Robbing someone who your pretending to help is civilized? Are you serious??

I think his interpretation of civilized in this sense was that they didn't beat him down and grab and go. Just kinda, stood him up, grabbed **** and got out.

still not cool.
umm its pretty obvious, im sure it was to the victim as well that he was being robbed as soon as they opened his backpack.

They could have just beat him black and blue, or cut the backpack off. I dont think it was coordinated, the guy robbing him just saw a opportunity and took it-- thats what theives do. The guy that got whatever was in his backpack took off pretty quick alone. Whatever he took looked like it was brand new as the guy threw away the plastic wrapping.

this happens all the time everyday, even in toronto, its called pick pocketing etc..

OHHHH OK!! They didnt beat him black and blue you say?!?!!! How could I have possibly missed that. Pretending to help someone while robbing them and NOT BEATING THEM TO A PULP is civilized behaviour...all that was missing was a courteous "By your leave sir" All the great civilizations have been proud of their long tradition of deceit, deception and thievery.

How incredibly dumb.
I think his interpretation of civilized in this sense was that they didn't beat him down and grab and go. Just kinda, stood him up, grabbed **** and got out.

still not cool.

I am sorry but employing deceit and deception to steal isnt anymore civilized than beating someone up. I wonder if people would find it civilized if a bunch of thieves conned them out of their bike by pretending to haul it to a garage or to their house.
So much for the ideal of the English Gentleman. The country has descended into barely contained anarchy. For a country with such a fine tradition of decent behaviour, it's a shame to see how low it's sunk. Of course, they'd like to blame all the dirty immigrants for ruining their culture, but we all know that just isn't true.

You're kidding, right?
OHHHH OK!! They didnt beat him black and blue you say?!?!!! How could I have possibly missed that. Pretending to help someone while robbing them and NOT BEATING THEM TO A PULP is civilized behaviour...all that was missing was a courteous "By your leave sir" All the great civilizations have been proud of their long tradition of deceit, deception and thievery.

How incredibly dumb.

Thats were we differ, i dont think the guy helping him up was trying to rob him, i think he actually wanted to help the guy out. The other guy saw the oppotrtunity and took it to rob him.

These are English hooligans, you think they are going to plan out a coordinated robbery liked that in the midst of a riot?? for what? what if the victim didnt have anything in his backpack? seems like a lot of trouble to go to for a possible nothing.

The guy getting robbed looked like a pretty small guy that was hurt, the other guys in the video look like pretty big guys, 6 feet, 200ilbs plus
they'd like to blame all the dirty immigrants for ruining their culture, but we all know that just isn't true.

Those damn Immigrants and their english accents, ruining it for the rest of them.
Robbing someone who your pretending to help is civilized? Are you serious??

compared to what could have happend to him in other parts of the world, yes this was very civilized.
I'm gonna take a wild guess here and say you havn't traveled much.....
compared to what could have happend to him in other parts of the world, yes this was very civilized.
I'm gonna take a wild guess here and say you havn't traveled much.....

You're right. London right now is a heck of a lot more civilized than Mogadishu. It's a shame if that's your standard for civilized behaviour.
compared to what could have happend to him in other parts of the world, yes this was very civilized.
I'm gonna take a wild guess here and say you havn't traveled much.....

Oh really, please explain to us sheltered masses what would have happened to him in these other parts of the world where there be dragons. This I am really interested in hearing....LOL

I'm gonna take a wild guess and say your assumptive idiot.
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