"Good Samaritans" rob victim

Thats were we differ, i dont think the guy helping him up was trying to rob him, i think he actually wanted to help the guy out. The other guy saw the oppotrtunity and took it to rob him.

These are English hooligans, you think they are going to plan out a coordinated robbery liked that in the midst of a riot?? for what? what if the victim didnt have anything in his backpack? seems like a lot of trouble to go to for a possible nothing.

The guy getting robbed looked like a pretty small guy that was hurt, the other guys in the video look like pretty big guys, 6 feet, 200ilbs plus

So what about this was civilized? What part of civilized doctrine says its ok to use deceit instead of violence to steal from someone?
thats nothing ..

Been to a few calls where theres been a serious car accident .. people have stopped to help the people involved in the accident.
Either the people in the car that has been involved in the accident gets **** stolen from it, or the people helping out the people in the car accident .. leaving their cars unattended and they get their **** stolen
Ya Londoners are mainly pricks.

Especially the chavs.
So what about this was civilized? What part of civilized doctrine says its ok to use deceit instead of violence to steal from someone?

In a civilized society-- like that of the UK, violent crime is for the most part unaccepted by the general population. Same as in Canada, so theifs have adapted, even though they are criminals, they still adhere somewhat to societies accepted codes of conduct.

In other parts of the world, they will beat you silly just because, if they steal something then its a bonus. In some parts of the world human life has little or no value, hence, human hurt has no value either.

I dont condone what they did, not saying its right in any way, just saying that they could have beat him silly and robbed him and at least they didnt. Your going to say who cares, a crime is a crime--true. But even in canada, there are vastly different penalities for property/white collar crime as opposed to violent crime.

ie.. white collar criminal defrauds people of 500k, probely a 1 year sentance max, out in few months-- he stole 500k

some street thug beats someone senseless, requiring stiches and overnight hospital stay all for a iphone 3 or 4 say value is $500
he will get 2 year or more plus, remeber 2 years plus is federal prison,

its not about value of the item stolen, its about how we as a society react to violence.
ahahaha...the kid will most likely show up in a another video or pics of him looting a store earlier...the dude who went through his backpack already knows what's in there, no one can argue with him over it, the other kid had already stolen it...why loot when i can follow someone else that has and just rob them...lol...
Moral of story: stay out of the "wrong part of town".
Victim was already beat-up, bleeding on the ground... he's no thief or hooligan but tourist from another country (I remember reading foreign embassy in London is now collecting $ for victim)
Twinn, there's no way to put positive spin on this, just drop it...


Not trying to spin it all. But for people to be so outraged and in shock over something as trivial as this??

I have seen much much worst then this go down in Toronto, on an almost weekly basis back in the day.

Even by UK standards, its not all that bad.
Oh really, please explain to us sheltered masses what would have happened to him in these other parts of the world where there be dragons. This I am really interested in hearing....LOL

I'm gonna take a wild guess and say your assumptive idiot.

Don't get mad at me because you don't know what d'fuXX you are talking about.
You know what you probably don't even need to travel that far to see something like that happened, why don't you go for a stroll through Detroit with a back pack and then report back to me.....
You live a sheltered life, and are shocked to see some kid get his back pack taken away in a civil manner without getting beaten up, stabbed, or shot, You would probably need a few sessions with a shrink after seeing some of the bad things this world has to offer.

Go dig your head in the sand....
i prefer karate and machine guns.......
Don't get mad at me because you don't know what d'fuXX you are talking about.
You know what you probably don't even need to travel that far to see something like that happened, why don't you go for a stroll through Detroit with a back pack and then report back to me.....
You live a sheltered life, and are shocked to see some kid get his back pack taken away in a civil manner without getting beaten up, stabbed, or shot, You would probably need a few sessions with a shrink after seeing some of the bad things this world has to offer.

Go dig your head in the sand....

I lived in the UK for a long long time and the reason for leaving was partially due to the breakdown of parts of society and things like this. I lived in a part of Manchester where I heard gunfire most nights and before I left for work I would remove drug needles and stolen bags and crap from my yard. I'm not surprised with this behaviour but I'm just a little sad and dissapointed in some of the youth there.

The guy was just on the BBC news in an interview, he's a visiting Malaysian student and he has a broken jaw. He was pulled off his bike which was then stolen, he was beaten up and left on the ground, what you saw on YouTube is what happened next.
Pathetic! I wouldn't have a problem with cops breaking kneecaps in this case.And you folks who don't see a problem with stuff like this need help.
The guy was just on the BBC news in an interview, he's a visiting Malaysian student and he has a broken jaw. He was pulled off his bike which was then stolen, he was beaten up and left on the ground, what you saw on YouTube is what happened next.

How does he explain the wrapped thing they stole? He just bought it or something? Not accusing him of anything.. just wondering if that bit was explained or not.

I learned a little while ago if you're not white try not to visit UK or AU and countries with massive debt problems. The large majorities try to blame all the problems on the minorities.
The guy was just on the BBC news in an interview, he's a visiting Malaysian student and he has a broken jaw. He was pulled off his bike which was then stolen, he was beaten up and left on the ground, what you saw on YouTube is what happened next.

Sounds pretty civilized. I guess this guy just needs to travel more. The world isn't as safe everywhere as it is in Malaysia.
bwahahaha...hey, there is some rioting over there, lets take a look, hmmm, it's a bit far, maybe i should ride...hey, why not ride through the crowd...meh...maybe he was gunning for a darwin award...
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