Staggered formation is suitable for roads of the boring straight variety. It is unsuitable for roads with twists and turns. Attempting to maintain such a formation through corners forces everyone onto incorrect (i.e. SLOW - and potentially dangerous) lines through the corners.
The issue at hand isn't really staggered formation or not ... it's riding in such a manner as to infuriate people behind (by being too slow) and simultaneously not facilitate overtaking.
I'm planning on driving to downtown Toronto this morning. Remember the above, pull over, and wave people by instead of infuriating us!!! Why do you allow someone else driving the speed limit in a proper manner to infuriate and control you? Ride your own ride, keep your cool, you control you, not them.
Again, someone confusing SS bikes, with cruisers.I thought collision and theft coverage was the biggest chunk of a new Hog's insurance?
Anybody see the video of the SS boaty mcboatface convoy where the dog got hit?