Getting M2 Before 60 Days - Is it possible?

Just a recap, then. We have a brand new rider with a massive sense of self-entitlement who is very eager to hit the highways at night ASAP on an SS
probable next post..

I got an R1 but can not find insurance and I can not ride in the highway! anyone have any good insurance places?

lol :lmao:
probable next post..

I got an R1 but can not find insurance and I can not ride in the highway! anyone have any good insurance places?

lol :lmao:

OP got a gixxer already , i think his next post will be under law thread asking if he should fight the +60kmhr ticket or pay it and how it will effect to its already high insurance ...

anyone wanna bet ? :cool:
Is this guy the new Pegasus? Sure seems like it so far.
:scratch: I wrote: "Taking the course shortens to period to 60 days from 90 days. Taking (and passing) the course is the only way to shorten the waiting period."

:scratch: you are required to wait a minimum of 60 days one your M1 with or without taking the course. It is not like your G1.. I dunno where did you get that information from but is wrong.

M1 expire after 90 days unless an M2 was granted, but you can not apply for an M2 unless you you have waited a minimum of 60 days.


Moving from M1 to M2 is a minimum of 60 days when taking the course, otherwise you have a longer wait. I haven't said anything different than the other comments made...

Per the MTO site:
"Motorcycle riders with an M1 licence who successfully complete an approved motorcycle safety course that includes a road test with an M1 licence are exempt from taking the ministry's M1 road test and can move to an M2 licence after 60 days. "
:scratch: I wrote: "Taking the course shortens to period to 60 days from 90 days. Taking (and passing) the course is the only way to shorten the waiting period."

I'm confused here. I thought taking the course won't shorten your M1 waiting period. it's minimum 60days for everybody and the course is irrelavent. 90days is when your M1 goes expired.

taking the course actually shortens the period of your M2 waiting period from 22 months to 18 months to upgrade to full M.
Hi Everyone,
I'm not a fan of this 60 day waiting period. I'm doing the safety course / M1 exit and I was wondering if I can go to the MTO and get my M2 a couple of weeks sooner. Has anyone been able to pull it off? I can't wait to ride on the highway and at night.

Hey, just like someone said earlier: Patience is a virtue.

I had been itching to ride at night and on highway until I got my M2 yesterday. Waiting is painful, but it helps you. When I was on my M1, I was forced to take local and all the back roads, and all i can say is that I got tons of practice and now i'm a lot more confident and comfortable with my bike now and I feel I'm finally ready (kinda) for the 400 series. It's like you need to learn how to walk before start running. Trust me the waiting period actually helps and protects you.
:scratch: I wrote: "Taking the course shortens to period to 60 days from 90 days. Taking (and passing) the course is the only way to shorten the waiting period."

Moving from M1 to M2 is a minimum of 60 days when taking the course, otherwise you have a longer wait. I haven't said anything different than the other comments made...

Per the MTO site:
"Motorcycle riders with an M1 licence who successfully complete an approved motorcycle safety course that includes a road test with an M1 licence are exempt from taking the ministry's M1 road test and can move to an M2 licence after 60 days. "

Ok so you can go two way

Get M1 -> 60 days pass -> Go do the M1 exit exam at MTO -> Get M2 license
Get M1 -> Within the next 60 days, do MSF course -> 60 days pass -> Get your M2 license

The 60 days isnt tied to taking MSF course or not.
Thats what we're trying to explain. :)
The only thing the MSF reduces, is the amount that you have to hold your M2 for.

After this explanation, im giving up
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Moving from M1 to M2 is a minimum of 60 days when taking the course, otherwise you have a longer wait. I haven't said anything different than the other comments made...

Per the MTO site:
"Motorcycle riders with an M1 licence who successfully complete an approved motorcycle safety course that includes a road test with an M1 licence are exempt from taking the ministry's M1 road test and can move to an M2 licence after 60 days. "

Taking the course doesn't shorten anything with regards to the M1.

You must obtain your M2 after a minimum of 60 days to maximum of 90 days after getting your M1, with or without a course.
Taking the course doesn't shorten anything with regards to the M1.

You must obtain your M2 after a minimum of 60 days to maximum of 90 days after getting your M1, with or without a course.

The people at the Ministry will ask you this very question. I wouldn't suggest lying to them. If they open it and you are not within the specified timeframe: you are screwed. Just do the minimum 60 day wait if you've done the course. Just bring your Rider course Certificate with you to the Ministry.
probable next post..

I got an R1 but can not find insurance and I can not ride in the highway! anyone have any good insurance places?

lol :lmao:

or a post in the fallen rider section.... guy with an m1 defied rules.. went riding on the highway after dark on his ss, wiped out.. bit the dust.. rip
Who has taken the M1 test to get you M2?

i have heard it's a 2 minute thing in a parking lot?
Thats if youre a purdy purdy girl and your tester is a horny horny man.
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