Finally did the oil change and gasket change last night. Let the sealant dry over night and just filled her up with oil and hoping that there will be no more leakingI'll let you know how it goes after the first ride.
My buddy put on a silocone sealant on it.
The hard part was taking the old gasket off with out scratching the cover. We used a razor to scrape it off as it was dried up and stuck on the cover.
Finally did the oil change and gasket change last night. Let the sealant dry over night and just filled her up with oil and hoping that there will be no more leakingI'll let you know how it goes after the first ride.
Hey guys,
Just found this forum. I have a 2009 GS500F. Purchased April 21st 2010. It is 3 years old today. I have exactly 12,002.5 miles on it. The warranty ran up and I didnt bother sending it into the dealership. Im going to call them tomorrow to see if they will cover the parts, and I can do the labor. It had a minor leak last year and I didnt want to tear down the engine over winter while under warranty, but the first few rides this early spring have resulted in larger puddles of oil under the bike. Has anyone had any updates after doing the gasket replacement? I know this thread was from last July, but I was curious if all is well and nothing catastrophic has happened. I appreciate all the information here.
Also, Im from the United States in Pennsylvania, just south of Lake Erie.
Hey guys,
Just found this forum. I have a 2009 GS500F. Purchased April 21st 2010. It is 3 years old today. I have exactly 12,002.5 miles on it. The warranty ran up and I didnt bother sending it into the dealership. Im going to call them tomorrow to see if they will cover the parts, and I can do the labor. It had a minor leak last year and I didnt want to tear down the engine over winter while under warranty, but the first few rides this early spring have resulted in larger puddles of oil under the bike. Has anyone had any updates after doing the gasket replacement? I know this thread was from last July, but I was curious if all is well and nothing catastrophic has happened. I appreciate all the information here.
Also, Im from the United States in Pennsylvania, just south of Lake Erie.
One question, are you sure it's oil? A common thing to have happen is chain lube builds up under the front sprocket cover, and when it's heated up it'll drip out near the kickstand. It looks like oil in that situation. I would take your front sprocket cover off and clean under there, and then see if it continues. If it does, you know what you gotta do. This isn't an intense job, just a few bolts on the cover and taking off the shift leaver, and you're in. Then just a load of paper towel and WD40 to get that sucker cleaned out. Clean around the whole crankcase side too, so you can really try to pinpoint the leak. The more you ride, the more the wind will blow it around and it becomes tough to find the origin.
If you have any questions, just gimme a shout.
I heard many theories of chain lube, or also the Shifter Shaft Seal. I took the sprocket cover off last fall (Ive had it off twice now) and cleaned a golf ball sized chunk or chain lube from in there and the leak continued. It is dripping from the bolt heads on the front of the engine. I have lightly been re-torquing the small bolts but I am afraid of over tightening. I know the specs are very low for those.
*EDIT* The crankcase bolts near the front left of the engine. Dont be confused and think I mean the Filter Housing
Ah yea, exact same situation as I had. Order yourself a gasket and go to town. I think mine was only like $5 or $10