Garage insulation

If you say so bud.

Its only to take the chill out of the garage when you work on the bike, and thats if you don't have another heat source.

Its temporary heat. Its not permanently installed in the garage.

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that may be too North of 7 for many here on the boards
I see no problem with it, risk managed correctly
My garage was so cold this morning that when my ex-wife stopped by to see me she had her hands in her own pockets.
After getting a new rear tire put on my rim this morning I went to put it back on the bike around noon. My fingertips froze in about 5 minutes of touching the cold metals. That will have to wait for a warmer day!
After getting a new rear tire put on my rim this morning I went to put it back on the bike around noon. My fingertips froze in about 5 minutes of touching the cold metals. That will have to wait for a warmer day!

I did warn you about that!
...The thing about insulation is, it's useless without a heat source, it holds the cold in just as well as it holds the heat in. Two things I found with continuously cooling and then heating a garage only when you absolutely need to: one, the hand tools and the vehicles metal parts are always too cold to touch....
Whatever you do don't touch your tongue to it!
Nobbie,I think you are probably right about the 4800w heater costing $20 a day to run full time at current rates.Dont let that scare anyone away from electric heat.A heater half that size would easily heat a single car garage and even then it might run 15 minutes every hour(at the most)That $20 now becomes $2.50 a day to heat your garage 24 hours a day.I think you could even get that cost down by lowering the thermostat when you’re not actually working in there.I think it’s the way to go in a small well insulated garage

As I mentioned, my garage never gets that cold and the heater only gets turned on when I do work in there. At a lowish setting it cycles at less than 25% on time. The cost benefit ratio is pretty good. Just don't forget to unplug.

My floor is cracking and spalling as well but it's bearable as a working surface. The multi-thousand dollar replacement is so far down the want list I'll never live to see it happen, short of winning a Powerball.
Weather man says it's minus 6 in Toronto right now and here it's 14 below I guess some things never change,
you guys have that extra layer of smog to insulate you and 3 million neighbours with their thermostat cranked up.:lmao:
Ha then wood burning fireplace it is!

I think I was the last person in Toronto to ever heat almost exclusively with wood :lmao: the chimney fires were very exciting.
I think I was the last person in Toronto to ever heat almost exclusively with wood :lmao: the chimney fires were very exciting.

My neighbour still has the wood stove going and everyday I go outside it surprises me. Personally I love it but it is definitely not the norm in TO.
The first time I had a chimney fire the fire guys wanted to put a hose down the thing but I didn't let them. The second time they responded they had done their homework and figured out that was probably a bad idea. :| Some idiot called them just because of the dense layer of acrid smoke coming out of the chimney and crossing Queen street, can you imagine!
Shane, you have no kids and ony a wife to contend with. Why not just wheel the bike indoors? Put it in the living room!

Drain the gas first.

Unless she would murder you.

I am looking g for a new bike, and my shed is jammed full. I was considering rolling it in the back door and putting it behind the couch.

Wife, mother-in-law, and 11 month old baby in my townhouse, and I got the reluctant go-ahead.

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The first time I had a chimney fire the fire guys wanted to put a hose down the thing but I didn't let them. The second time they responded they had done their homework and figured out that was probably a bad idea. :| Some idiot called them just because of the dense layer of acrid smoke coming out of the chimney and crossing Queen street, can you imagine!
Sounds like alot of fun. I am a pyromaniac so naturally I love fireplaces, especially wood.
I have 2 fireplaces going right now, wood is the best heat there is,
especially when you have a virtually unlimited supply of it :D
Shane, you have no kids and only a wife to contend with. Why not just wheel the bike indoors? Put it in the living room!
No chance! I would make a massive mess of our house because my bike is one of the dirtiest around. She also treats clients in our house at least 3 days a week, and our living room is the clients waiting room, so there is no way that one is happening... and I'm the one saying that - not her.

A buddy of mine is giving me his bike as a winter project, so pretty soon there will be another bike in the garage to work on as well. I'll finish the garage in the spring when I can empty it out and for now just do work on the milder days. It's all good.

Good luck with the bike in the house and all you have going on.
No chance! I would make a massive mess of our house because my bike is one of the dirtiest around. She also treats clients in our house at least 3 days a week, and our living room is the clients waiting room, so there is no way that one is happening... and I'm the one saying that - not her.

A buddy of mine is giving me his bike as a winter project, so pretty soon there will be another bike in the garage to work on as well. I'll finish the garage in the spring when I can empty it out and for now just do work on the milder days. It's all good.

Good luck with the bike in the house and all you have going on.

Didn't I read some place that you work in a greenhouse? Greenhouses are nice and warm ;)
A lot of good points here. I insulated the outside walls with roxul (I got it free), then drywalled.
We have a room above the garage that was always cold. Had a company come in, scrape out the old open cell spray foam and redo with closed cell, then replace the drywall and tape. That cost me ~$5k 6ish years ago. Double garage. Room upstairs is now 3° warmer, which is perfect. Cheap builder garage door, weather stripping all around (double fin type). My garage almost never drops below 0°, unless the door is open for a while. Just an fyi for ya Shane.

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