Fun Kijiji Experiences


Well-known member
Gotta love kijiji. Have my xbox on kijiji and some guy messages me sounding so interested even offering a lower price (which I accepted). So here I am forgetting this is Kijiji and most people on here are braindead so I factory reset my xbox in anticipation for the sale tomorrow and I email the guy this morning asking when he's coming and I get a message saying "Hey, I don't think I will be able to come. Good luck with your sale." I'm in disbelief as to how inconsiderate you have to be to pull that kind of ****.

Earlier last year I tried selling a guitar in which I accepted a trade with someone. I emailed him the night before telling him my major intersections in which he said it was all good so we set up a time and everything. As it was nearing that time I asked him if he was coming and he said "I can't come that's too far away".

Had another case of some guy absolutely lowballing me for a mountain bike when my ad specifically said price was firm no negotiations. I ignored him for a couple emails and then finally told him that if the price says firm it is firm. Get an email soon after from the same guy who was so eloquent and respectful and literate in his prior emails, who is now some ghetto-esque illiterate fool telling me to go "fuk my mother" and calling me a "little pussy *****". I lol'd it off.

It got to the point where I literally had a disclaimer or a preface in bold and highlighted letters before every ad stating a list of rules. Some examples being "if the price is firm don't email me a lower offer" or "Look at the address first" etc.

Some people. I don't know how or if it's even possible but they have to find a way to get these mouth breathers off the site.

post up your experiences.
I've been low balled a lot selling cars

usually from either names i can't pronounce, or there first and last name are the same

They don't really care for my 'racial observation' replies :)
Was selling a brand new radiator for my old car. I advertised it for 1/3rd the price i got it for.

Got low balled like you wouldn't believe... i told a poteltial buyer i would rather throw it away than give it to him for $20 bucks...

E-mailed me back telling me to go f*** myself, & call me a bomaclad...

Now i only sell bigger ticket items. Sold a few bikes; always price them a bit higher than i'll accept as everyone always tries to lowball.
Wife traded her car for SUV so I had her 1 year old winter tires on rims listed. $350 IIRC... I rec'd an email reply (from the kijiji ad reply submission) saying 'I'll give you $50.' I decided to have some fun and replied to the email, but edited his message - added a 0 so it looked like he was saying 'I'll give you $500'. My response was '$500.?, no that is more that I am asking.' And the fun began!
Oh, thst guy proceeded to tell me how "he and his boys were going to find me" and beat the **** out of me...
not worth my time to go more than a reply or two. I never reset anything(if applicable) until the last minute.
I have nothing but great experiences with Kijiji. Sure you get the odd loser, but thats life. just ignore all the nigerian and retarded offers, and you can usually tell who the more serious ones are.

My only and biggest beef is when people say they are going to come and they don't show up. Since then, I respectfully ask them to kindly let me know in advance if they change their mind and won't be showing up so I don't waste my time sitting and waiting, and 99% of the time, they oblige and I'm ok with that. People change their minds on purchases, I'm ok with that too.

some great deals out there to be had. and sold a tonne of stuff too.
The worst experience was trying to give away (free) an old laptop with a none working battery!

Hey I will take it can u deliver i have no car - It said pickup only in the write up
Hey Can you buy a battery and then i will take it? - lol no
Will this run X brand new game
Several now shows..i work from home so thats does not bother me much

Finally a new immigrant took it his kids needed for school it was around xmas so he brought me a little gift to say thanks.

Take the good with the bad I guess.
I've lowballed people, but they are informed prices (eg. people are asking $550 for something that sells often on Kijiji for $250 to 300, I'll offer them $275 and laugh at the replies about firm pricing). You can be firm on prices if you want, but don't get upset when things never sell. Other times I have taken a flyer and really lowballed (eg they are asking for $275 (which I doubt they will ever get) and I offer $125 because that's all thats in the budget for the project, no hard feelings if they turn me down.
I send pictures of "tubgirl" when people want to f around on kijiji. Obviously I don't use my reg email for it either.
I also have had great experiences BUYING from Kijiji, with one exception...

was buying some foldable chairs, said I'd come tomorrow to pick it up. They said sure. I was about to leave and texted them saying I was heading over, then they replied "sorry someone came earlier and bought them" I was like wow wtf you didn't say it was first come first serve, I talked to you yesterday and agreed on price and time for pickup. I would have just shown up and then had to drive home if I didn't text them.

Selling on Kijiji is a b#$#$ though, so many lowballers and people who act so interested, even giving you their number but never reply.

I've met people at the right time and they've thrown in free stuff with my purchase just for the heck of it (I'm talking about, someone gave me an alpinestars leather jacket when I bought leather track pants lol)
I had the same with giving away a couch for free. Some no English dude managed to rent a van and pick it up in the time about 4 others were hectoring me for delivery or even help them carry it about 6 blocks down the street.
"Hi free couch?"
"Text address come in 1 hour ok?"
he was there in 1/2 an hour with a gang of 12 year olds to carry it out.

The worst experience was trying to give away (free) an old laptop with a none working battery!

Hey I will take it can u deliver i have no car - It said pickup only in the write up
Hey Can you buy a battery and then i will take it? - lol no
Will this run X brand new game
Several now shows..i work from home so thats does not bother me much

Finally a new immigrant took it his kids needed for school it was around xmas so he brought me a little gift to say thanks.

Take the good with the bad I guess.
I had my SUV up for sale ($3K) for about $2K less than every other one as I was in a hurry to sell it and some guy responded. "Thats a piece of ****, I'll give you $500"
I told him I had it up for a long time and no one has emailed me, I guess I could take his offer.
He wanted my address asap, I gave him the address to the local scrap yard and when he emailed me saying he was there and where was I (an hour drive for him) I emailed him and said to go try to find one for $500.

I bet he won't lowball people like that again.
I had my SUV up for sale ($3K) for about $2K less than every other one as I was in a hurry to sell it and some guy responded. "Thats a piece of ****, I'll give you $500"
I told him I had it up for a long time and no one has emailed me, I guess I could take his offer.
He wanted my address asap, I gave him the address to the local scrap yard and when he emailed me saying he was there and where was I (an hour drive for him) I emailed him and said to go try to find one for $500.

I bet he won't lowball people like that again.
That is quality..
I don't have a problem with lowballers. If I won't accept it, I say no.
I get where you are coming from. Thing is, after using kijiji for so long you realize the patterns. You put things at a higher price to anticipate the lowballers and no one messages you about your ad, you give people the benefit of the doubt and lower your prices and then the lowballers flock.

There's no winning and I guess that's the frustrating thing about it. For me at least.
When I was selling my v strom I had a guy email me, telling me to come and root through his house and garage and keep whatever I wanted in trade for the bike. What. The. F---!

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I don't mind the low ballers. I can't blame them for asking cuz it really never hurts, what I can't stand are the people who wait until you meet up with them to pull the low ball "I only have x amount of cash". I've gotten in the habit now of not going out of my way. Let them come to me and that way I don't feel like I have to accept their last minute low ball cuz I drove 20mins out of my way to meet up with them.
That last minute lowball really pisses me off... my buddy and I sell lots of used bike or truck parts out of my garage and people try that all the time! I just tell them to leave so I can call the next guy that wants it, usually they magically find the rest of the other cash in their other pocket!
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