Friendly Reminder to Wear ATGATT

I also saw a female rider on a smaller bike the other day.

Helmet was the only gear.
Shoulder strap tank top and a leather purse/backpack.

I was tempted to talked to her at the lights. Not to get her number but to let her know about the importance of gear.
Looking for random passengers like @bigpoppa???
Today I t-boned a car that pulled a u-turn in front of me. Fortunately I was only going about 30 km but I ended up with the bike on top of me. Full agatt resulted in only cracked ribs and some really interesting bruises. Can only imagine what it would have been like with shorts and tshirt. Hot pipes,gravel etc. no thanks!
Cops gave him full blame and the bike needs a front end.
Yowza! Sorry to hear and wishing you a speedy recovery. Good thing it was low speed. Doesn't take much to start cracking things in the human body.
Well it looks like I’m out of the game for a while. Went to the ER as there was no improvement in the spasms or pain and Tylenol 3’s were not cutting it. X-rays showed 2 broke and 1 cracked ribs. Couple of weeks I guess before I can get back to it…
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Well it looks like I’m out of the game for a while. Went to the ER as there was no improvement in the spasms or pain and Tylenol 3’s were not cutting it. X-rays showed 2 broke and 1 cracked ribs. Couple of weeks I guess before I can get back to it I guess…
Did they give you effective pain medicine? I don't bother with Tylenol 3's as they aren't more effective for me than normal Tylenol. My body doesn't convert codeine to morphine well.
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I had a heart attack last year and take a bunch of pills for that so there are not a lot of drugs you can mix with them, I’m told. They added flexoril and hydromorphone . Hopefully that will work.follow up in a week with my doc..
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Great you are back in the saddle. Good luck with the foot getting better.
Yesterday while driving around Orangeville I saw a guy riding a very nice Harley bagger and noticed he seemed to be missing something. No jacket, gloves, or helmet. No headgear of any kind. I must admit it took me back for a second or two and I was surprised to see someone blatantly out there riding without a helmet.
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Yesterday while driving around Orangeville I saw a guy riding a very nice Harley bagger and noticed he seemed to be missing something. No jacket, gloves, or helmet. No headgear of any kind. I must admit it took me back so a second or two and I was surprised to see someone blatantly out there riding without a helmet.
Yeah seeing the no helmets in Wisconsin was a bit of a shocker. More recently saw a couple of mini bike riders around Jane & Finch zipping around with no gear at all. Just T shirts and shorts.
saw a hipster in downtown yesterday, typical freddie mercury mustache, on a chopped up modded ebike, going a decent clip in the bicycle lane wearing a baseball helmet(not cap)
If this guy had being wearing proper gear it would have really blunted down the ass kicking that he got at the end.
What he lacked in skill was made up for in luck.
did a 128 km ride today after being grounded for two weeks with broken ribs. Still hurts but I’m going crazy doing nothing around the house. Tomorrow if it hurts worse I won’t care, be good pain!
Insurance wants to write the bike off and I would like to buy it back but have never done that before. Started a thread in the insurance section. If you know anything about this please comment on that thread and thanks!
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