Guys, awsome job! However, I can't find a manual for my bike (none on the yamaha site, bike too old).

Please, if any of you has a 1984 YAMAHA FJ600/XJ600/RADIAN ... let me know.

Thanks in advance,
kenwoods said:

And because I know some of you will argue with me, I'll state this upfront: "private financial gain" includes you getting a product or service without paying for it.

go f-K yourself !! Did you registered to tell us that?

It's not illegal to download movies,mp3s and...manuals here in Canada.
There wasn't a single person charged for that. Do you know how hard to charge someone for that?! Even Microsoft will not go after you if they find out you are using an illegal copy of their product. Especially if that person is located in Canada.
None of the manuals are hosted on this site or by any of this members,dumb asz

Next time you post something like that,make sure you know at least something about the law OR AT LEAST READ WHAT YOU ******* POST!
dm3000 said:
go f-K yourself !! Did you registered to tell us that?

I realize that you combined two statements to come up with that dribble, but, eh, proofread?

dm3000 said:
It's not illegal to download movies,mp3s and...manuals here in Canada.
There wasn't a single person charged for that. Do you know how hard to charge someone for that?! Even Microsoft will not go after you if they find out you are using an illegal copy of their product. Especially if that person is located in Canada.
None of the manuals are hosted on this site or by any of this members,dumb asz

Next time you post something like that,make sure you know at least something about the law OR AT LEAST READ WHAT YOU :bad-words: POST!

You have no comprehension of law.

Copyright violations are not the responsibility of the company that owns the copyrighted work, no more than the family of a murder victim presses charges against one who commits the murder.

Being that I've got daily, intimate knowledge of copyrights, I'm more than familar how "how hard it is to charge someone". It's not hard at all for the FBI, (or the RCMP, in your case), it's just a matter of filing paperwork.

Canada, by the way, has ruled that P2P sharing is legal. However, the type of copyright violation that's going on here is still outlawed.

Believe what you want, I really don't care. If you download a manual, you're violating a copyright, and that's against the law.
Believe what you want, I really don't care.

Then, if that's the case, can you not leave GTAMotorcyle well enough alone? Or are you part of the Internet Police? If you are, can I get your badge number and autograph? I've always wanted to meet one of you Internet Police guys.

Oh, and just so that I stay on topic:

For those of you still looking for information about your bikes, and haven't tried it yet, search on the eDonkey Network. Tons of stuff on that network. I recommend using the emule client.


(If it's already been mentioned, I'm sorry. I haven't sifted through the 8 or so pages of this thread)
looking for a 1982 yamaha maxim 400 service manual. i kno haynes makes a xs400 service manual and i think thats the same bike, or at least the same engine. Can anyone help me out?
kenwoods said:
dm3000 said:
go f-K yourself !! Did you registered to tell us that?

I realize that you combined two statements to come up with that dribble, but, eh, proofread?

dm3000 said:
Believe what you want, I really don't care(REALLY?). If you download a manual, you're violating a copyright, and that's against the law.
Are you done lecturing?Need a cookie break?
hey man.. just wanted to sa thanks a lot for the link.. really did help me with a lot of stuff..:)
the blackbird one listed doesnt work. however on the other link further down the page -also posted later- works great. thanx
on a side note does anybod have one for a st1300

thanx alot guys
Exchange service manual

“ Hold Bar Bike Website has Biggest Collection of Service Manuals in Asia”
(((((( Manuals list >>> http://groups.msn.com/holdbarbike/servicemanual.msnw ))))))
* All are electronic books in PDF format, Remind: all manuals are not online! No free! Only for exchange! * So you can't download them directly, because they are all on my hard disk, if you have or obtain something I haven't, with taste I will interchange the manual with you. * Please contact holdbarbike@hotmail.com with your request / offer. Please fill in the exact brand / model / year etc. and a valid e-mail address, otherwise I can't contact you with further information. * Of course it is possible you don't have a manual for exchange, or you really need it, In that case ... you are arranged to trust me and to make a small Paypal donation, to the future extension of the collection can give a free manual to you. After your donations, you will be receiving service manual download link by e-mail (around 1 to 2 working days) Note: The e-mail will be send to the address used for your Paypal account.
Last edited:
Any manuals for a the orignal CBR.

88 CBR 600 Hurricane
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