This is a great thread, it should be a sticky!

I have a question, why does it say "corrected" for the FZR400 manual? corrected from what? I got one from another site and I wonder what the difference is... any idea?
Awesome post! Good Job... I commend the work that has gone into it!
Anything for a 99ZX6R ??? :) i dloaded the 98-99 ZX9R dono whats closer the 00ZX6R or the 99ZX9R :D

sweet post, totaly deserves to be stickyfied
I'd love something for the 04' ZZR 250!

By the way, this really should be a sticky! A lot of work has gone into this research/post. Many people can benefit from Dmitri's work on this!

Give him some credit where it is due!
Tnx, really good thread - I vote to have it sticky as well.

I just bought Kawi EX500 - there is nohting for it - I am scanning innet myself - can't find anything... Dima, if you see something for my ex500 baby - post it please...
that's funny - means ex500 never fails and doesn't need any maintenance :lol:

anyhow - i will buy manual on ebay later, photocopy and post for downloads :)

Thanks alot dude!

I have the clymer for my bike, but this Haynes one I downloaded is alot better I find!
Why isn't this a sticky yet? I'ts the most ueful thread in any tech section.
Would love to have the manual for the 1995 Yamaha YZF600 if anyone knows where to get it online. Thanks.

I'd luv to see one for a '92 Kawi Vulcan 500 (en500).
Lemme know if you get a hold of it.
2003 EX500 is you can find one would be mint.
Great work.
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