smitherman, isn't this the guy who knows nothing about orange helicoppers?
Rob Ford is obese, unpolished, does not play well with media and is not a smooth talker. His foot is permanently in his mouth.
Agreed, but not the right decision for a number of reasons.
I won't be able to answer that in detail, but standing up against the union strikes in a time of recession gets my approval.
Who stages a strike in the middle of a recession when everyone is losing their jobs???![]()
The only reason I saw for not going through with the subway was that it was a whole lot more expensive.
Maybe Im wrong cuz I don't know all the facts but I don't think you can say an LRT is more effective than a subway line. LRT's are great when you have a compact city core like Melbourne, Australia but not for the sprawl of Toronto. Not too mention that there is an existing subway line along sheppard that should already be longer than it is..
What recession?????????
Haha maybe he is? A fairly reliable source says that he is. He also might be making a lot of money funneling through a real estate loophole. :?I would rather have him as mayor than an arrogant cocaine using diddler.
if smitherman was elected, we'd be in far worse shape but the lefties would sugarcoat it and hail him as the messiah. Ford has done a great job averting union strikes and lock outs by not caving in to their unrealistic demands.
Ford has good ideas, but council is voting against him out of spite. Ford might have some good ideas, but he tries to bully them through, and some of the other councilors don't like it, so they provide resistance.
I don't count the gaint ferris wheel and mono rail in the waterfront as a good idea ......
Why are people flogging this dead horse? It was just a suggestion and was never intended as a solid plan carved in stone. Ford is not building a ferris wheel. But who knows what's going to happen in another 25-50 years? Maybe the docklands will finally be developed and an amusement park will be built on the site since Ontario Place is gone. It wouldn't be such a ridiculous idea by then.
Who stages a strike in the middle of a recession when everyone is losing their jobs???![]()
Scarborough became a thriving Metropolis with their LRT
Short term thinking wins out again.
Now we just have to save up for the extra buses, for when the LRT breaks down.
The Scarberians know all about that.