There's nothing to get, he hasn't done any real wrong with respect to the actual job, or wrong that any other person as Mayor could have done in other areas of the actual job.
While I can agree, in the extreme, that doing hard drugs and associating with criminals and lying with every breath could possibly have no impact on the way he does his job, it's actually the way he does his job that is the real problem. He's the do-nothing mayor.
He quietly halted progress on the Gardiner as soon as he took office and then quickly resumed when chunks started falling on people in 2012. He tried to stop transit city, he's stalled and even reversed progress on bike lanes. He's delayed the Scarborough transit project 5 years. He cut back spending on tree maintenance for the past two years. He has flatlined revenue and the city has never been as understaffed as it is now.
All this, in the context of a city that everyone acknowledges is already 30 years behind in infrastructure development. Roads, water mains, transit lines, you name it. The last thing we need is more cuts.
It's not a saving if we just end up having to pay for it all later anyways.
I know many people here believe the best government can do is to do nothing at all, but Ford is proving that that's nonsense. The city is growing and that growth needs to be planned for and accommodated using sound judgement and judicious spending to avoid choking the whole city into a disaster zone that resembles Detroit.
Doing nothing IS doing wrong.