Ford files for re-election - FORD NATION ASSEMBLE

He could also have gone to link666's job and slap sailors ***** off his mouth but he didn't.... so could off should off......

We don't know that he didn't and maybe that's why link likes him so much. I'm not hanging him on something that may or may not have happened, I'm just saying he's not smart to put him self in that situation. It's like my dog, he's never stolen a pot roast off the counter but he has stolen other goodies, do you think it would be smart to put my dog in a situation where he could steal a pot roast?
We don't know that he didn't and maybe that's why link likes him so much. I'm not hanging him on something that may or may not have happened, I'm just saying he's not smart to put him self in that situation. It's like my dog, he's never stolen a pot roast off the counter but he has stolen other goodies, do you think it would be smart to put my dog in a situation where he could steal a pot roast?

Your dog thinks it is.
We don't know that he didn't and maybe that's why link likes him so much. I'm not hanging him on something that may or may not have happened, I'm just saying he's not smart to put him self in that situation. It's like my dog, he's never stolen a pot roast off the counter but he has stolen other goodies, do you think it would be smart to put my dog in a situation where he could steal a pot roast?
Apples to oranges - Your Dog was not elected Mayor of toronto because he was probably too busy licking his own ***

By the way Ford's approval rating up 5 per cent after ice storm: poll

The poll also asked who respondents would vote for in 2014. Of the declared front-runners, the poll suggests that Rob Ford would get 49 per cent of the votes, beating TTC Chair Karen Stintz (29 per cent) and former city councillor David Soknacki (14 per cent)

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Because Alcoholics and Crack users do not make the best choices...Like Driving drunk, or smoking crack with Drug dealers...

He's only mayor simply cause there is no way to remove mayor unless he has done something unless he's been charged with something illegal and while smoking crack(or any controlled drug) is illegal (as is driving drunk) the police wont bring forward charges because just on an admission of guilt for personal use it would be a waste of time and I agree with that i don't want to see him charged with something that the average drug user would not be charged with. My point is that at any point he didn't take personal responsibility for what he did. He lied multiple times, refused help with his issues and i think still denies that he has had an alcohol problem(could be wrong on that) and this is a man who supports tough on crime legislation and personal responsibility.

The truth is if this was a liberal mayor all the conservatives and ford nation folks would be calling for a resignation. Rob ford himself would probably be calling for them to resign himself.

As do some straight arrow politicians. As far as i know McGuinty doesn't drink or smoke crack.....whats his excuse for his choices/decisions that have actually cost us all money, in fact Billions! His clean and sober actions caused that, without the help of crack. Can the same be said about Ford?

So if Ford hasn't done anything illegal? Whats the issue? What has he done so terribly wrong on the job, ON THE JOB to say he's less qualified than the next guy?

If he hadn't been caught smoking crack, nobody would be saying **** about Ford.
But his actions put that possibility in place. He smoked drugs with drug dealers who taped it.. His choices put himself ,who is in a position of trust in a position of be compromised by people who are part of an illicit trade.

What possibility? lol

Until he's actially done something wrong on the job that has directly impacted the city and how it operates, then this is all just speculation.
As do some straight arrow politicians. As far as i know McGuinty doesn't drink or smoke crack.....whats his excuse for his choices/decisions that have actually cost us all money, in fact Billions! His clean and sober actions caused that, without the help of crack. Can the same be said about Ford?

Agreed and the liberals should be held accountable to their choices and not be elected. Now if McGuinty had lowered taxes and returned industry to ontario resulting in low unemployment and smoked crack with Drug dealers i would call for his resignation also.

Politicians need to be held to a higher standard. Presumably we don't know the affect fords drug and drink problems had on his job maybe he would have been an even better mayor and saved way more that the 11 million he saved.

He did so something illegal he just wasn't charged with anything. Yet. Even if he had not smoked crack he's still a boorish homophobic, lightly racists embarrassment. That does not disqualify him from being mayor by any stretch but i would still be saying that "****" about him.
If he shows poor judgement on drug use and being caught what else does he have poor judgement on and what would he do to hide it.

Haven't we all shown poor judgement at some point in our lives? So because we have we shouldn't be entitled to carry our lives as we intended to before that poor judgment call?

I know if i were him and put myself in that position where it would be a huge embarrassment and dissapointment to myself, family, friends and peers that i sure as hell would do everything in my power to cover it up so they wouldn't have to know about it.

Who can honestly say they wouldn't?
Haven't we all shown poor judgement at some point in our lives? So because we have we shouldn't be entitled to carry our lives as we intended to before that poor judgment call?

Yes absolutely but those choices sometimes have consequences.

know if i were him and put myself in that position where it would be a huge embarrassment and dissapointment to myself, family, friends and peers that i sure as hell would do everything in my power to cover it up so they wouldn't have to know about it.

Who can honestly say they wouldn't?

Again Im not saying it wasn't a normal reaction but that does not mean it is correct or deserves to be forgotten about. Read the police transcripts it wasn't a once of incident it was a pattern of bad behaviour and poor choices that got him to this place. He isn't the victim.
I'll Vote for him again.

I can relate to him.

OMG we are already going to stock up on canned food and water.
There's nothing to get, he hasn't done any real wrong with respect to the actual job, or wrong that any other person as Mayor could have done in other areas of the actual job.

While I can agree, in the extreme, that doing hard drugs and associating with criminals and lying with every breath could possibly have no impact on the way he does his job, it's actually the way he does his job that is the real problem. He's the do-nothing mayor.

He quietly halted progress on the Gardiner as soon as he took office and then quickly resumed when chunks started falling on people in 2012. He tried to stop transit city, he's stalled and even reversed progress on bike lanes. He's delayed the Scarborough transit project 5 years. He cut back spending on tree maintenance for the past two years. He has flatlined revenue and the city has never been as understaffed as it is now.

All this, in the context of a city that everyone acknowledges is already 30 years behind in infrastructure development. Roads, water mains, transit lines, you name it. The last thing we need is more cuts.

It's not a saving if we just end up having to pay for it all later anyways.

I know many people here believe the best government can do is to do nothing at all, but Ford is proving that that's nonsense. The city is growing and that growth needs to be planned for and accommodated using sound judgement and judicious spending to avoid choking the whole city into a disaster zone that resembles Detroit.

Doing nothing IS doing wrong.
Being a fat crack smoking moron aside I fully agree with fastar1. The do nothings added with his extra curricular activities and wannabe thug friends means he should grow a set and step aside. He's obviously out of control and someone like that shouldn't be allowed to have any power when they can't even manage their own sense of judgement.

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The current and developing brouhaha at city hall over the 2.5 vs 1.75% property tax increase, (0.5% of which is required for the Scarborough subway project) amounts to a mere $13 per year difference*, but a mountain will be made of this molehill, and it will be made to sound like Rob Ford is saving property owners hundreds of $ per year.

*according to Global news this evening
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