So imagine working at 3am and some dill hole calls in , is this dial a nurse ? What are you wearing ? Too high to understand call display. Yeah , it’s a thing .
Isn't there a number they can call to talk to another oldster.
Press 1 for pill comparisons
Press 2 for blood pressure stats
Press 3 for complaints about relatives not visiting
Press 4 for government complaints
Well, it's here...transfer of funds from our own healthcare toward the private sector to clear the backlog of imaging scans, and 'non complex' surgeries within the private network.
Premier Doug Ford's office offered no details about the 10 a.m. press conference in Toronto alongside Health Minister Sylvia Jones.
I'm not smart enough to understand whether this is good or bad, but I expect this will not be a good step forward as it incentives staff to leave the public sector to the private clinics if that's where the higher wages are, meaning it'll continue the downward spiral of our private healthcare.
How is this allowed? We're already paying private doctors / clinics for the work under OHIP, and this seems to expand those services available under the private clinic sector.
Due to too much sun and not enough sun screen I get little spots of sun damage, actinic keratosis (AK), that have the potential of turning cancerous. For the last 10-15 years I've been going to a dermatologist twice a year for check ups.
About half the time a spot is found and is treated with a dab of liquid nitrogen. The frost bite turns into a scab and falls off in under a week.
My new dermatologist did the above but advised me he doesn't do regular check ups.
The new procedure is that I now have a prescription for a bottle of liquid AK remover. I identify the spot and carefully apply the liquid with the little brush built into the lid. Don't over apply the stuff on healthy skin.
The coating turns white and you peel it off the next day and reapply. Do this for up to 12 weeks. Complete healing could add another 8 weeks.
The product has a shelf life of about a year but only 3 months after opening. Being a Rx it won't be cheap.
My hair is very thin and I have to watch for the little spots and accurately paint them on the top of my head using two mirrors. If I miss stuff the spots can turn nasty requiring surgery.
Some fuzzy pictures show what the AK spots look like.
Compound W? I'm guessing was some silver nitrate mix that theoretically slowly burned warts off.
The new stuff is a prescription and high tech. It merges with the target cells and the body rejects them. I had basil cell cancer removed with a variant.
The first problem is I have never been taught how to identify a AK from a basil cell.
Best doc for removing tags and warts is Dr Simone on the Kingsway. Old school doc and you need to be there by 5am on Saturdays to get a spot, but he’s a good man.
I have a scrip for the "strong" acid for my wart but it's backordered.
"Would you like the milder acid?"
"No thanks I've already wasted enough time with Compound W and if I'm paying let's do this once and right"
Best doc for removing tags and warts is Dr Simone on the Kingsway. Old school doc and you need to be there by 5am on Saturdays to get a spot, but he’s a good man.
Funny, just around the corner from us, it is run out of a house. I knew it was a doctor's office just never bothered to find out what kind. Super busy.
I would hate to be his neighbours, it can be total chaos with cars around his house/office.
Well, it's here...transfer of funds from our own healthcare toward the private sector to clear the backlog of imaging scans, and 'non complex' surgeries within the private network.
Premier Doug Ford's office offered no details about the 10 a.m. press conference in Toronto alongside Health Minister Sylvia Jones.
I'm not smart enough to understand whether this is good or bad, but I expect this will not be a good step forward as it incentives staff to leave the public sector to the private clinics if that's where the higher wages are, meaning it'll continue the downward spiral of our private healthcare.
How is this allowed? We're already paying private doctors / clinics for the work under OHIP, and this seems to expand those services available under the private clinic sector.
If you read the news carefully, it's always the same 5 unions that are always the critics and doomsayers. Despite leading with 'it's about the children', it's really about the union. They cannot acknowledge the private delivery of imaging, lab services, & sleep clinics, abortions, and most forms of therapy, which have proven safe and successful, at higher operational efficiencies and lower costs than publicly delivered services.
We want it faster and better. Critics would have us believe there are dragons all over Private Island... I don't see it that way.
If you read the news carefully, it's always the same 5 unions that are always the critics and doomsayers. Despite leading with 'it's about the children', it's really about the union. They cannot acknowledge the private delivery of imaging, lab services, & sleep clinics, abortions, and most forms of therapy, which have proven safe and successful, at higher operational efficiencies and lower costs than publicly delivered services.
We want it faster and better. Critics would have us believe there are dragons all over Private Island... I don't see it that way.
Yup! The idea of all care being provided by the private sector but under the watchful eye of government (yes I had trouble typing that) and paid for by said gov so it's still "free" for the end user is fine by me. Some of those providers may or may not have unions. Not my concern.
Best doc for removing tags and warts is Dr Simone on the Kingsway. Old school doc and you need to be there by 5am on Saturdays to get a spot, but he’s a good man.
If you are there for 5 am you are late. However his lines move quick.
He runs a specialty/dermatology, walk in clinic where you do not need a referral or appointment. Not many, if any at all clinics around like this.
A little story about Dr. Andrew Simone.
I know Dr. Simone from my high school days. Dr. Simone along with his wife founded a charity called Canadian Food For children. Out of a warehouse near Dixie and Lakeshore in Mississauga. (Looks like the charity still exists, but I'm not sure if he is still involved) There was a group of us that would go down to the warehouse to volunteer, while missing class. We would pack sea containers with all types of donation, baby food, cereal, clothes toiletries and anything else that was on a "wish list" from which ever third world country was requesting help. We used broken hockey stick to stuff every nook and cranny with clothes and other item while forklifts need to push the doors closed. He had a picture on his forklift from one of his visits to one of the poor countries. Several years later when my sister was in elementary school, the same picture was in one of her text books.
Fast forward 15-20 years. I went to see him for a Drs appointment. As he comes into the the room one of the first things he said to me was "I know you from somewhere....." I quickly reminded him of the school volunteering trips his memory of my times there as much clearer.
In 2000, he received the Order of Canada for all his. He declined the award as an individual and said he would only accept it if the award was awarded to him and his wife as she was just as equality involved and dedicated and without her he would not have been able to do what he was doing. At first governors generals office said that was not possible as the rules state the award can only be awarded to one individual and not a group or organization. They ended up changing the rules and they awarded them both the same award as "one". He didn't even have a suite to wear to the ceremony and refused to wear a new suit and ended up wearing one from a thrift store.
Sadly his wife Joan passed away in the fall of 2022.
Funny, just around the corner from us, it is run out of a house. I knew it was a doctor's office just never bothered to find out what kind. Super busy.
I would hate to be his neighbours, it can be total chaos with cars around his house/office.
The house is still (at least several years ago) being heated by a wood burning furnace. People have been known to donate wood at the side of the house.
The city is actively trying to shut him down and essentially is looking for any excuse and violation. I was there couple of weeks ago (Saturday at 5am) and some D-bag parked his car in front of the house and in the opposite direction. Signs in front of the house clearly state "no parking". A lady (possibly daughter) came in the the waiting room looking for the idiot to move his car and she mentioned the city trying to shut them down. (She was more polite than I am describing her to be)
Joan and Andrew Simone had 12 children plus 2 adopted. All were raised and grew up in that house.
@mimico_polak , @oioioi thanks for the context, living in the neighbourhood all I really hear about was was the sometimes chaos. Next time I need anything like this I will head over, better than the home surgery kit....
Lately when I walk by there is a guy out front making sure the chaos is kept to a minimum. Only doctor in the city that needs a bouncer...
@mimico_polak , @oioioi thanks for the context, living in the neighbourhood all I really hear about was was the sometimes chaos. Next time I need anything like this I will head over, better than the home surgery kit....
Lately when I walk by there is a guy out front making sure the chaos is kept to a minimum. Only doctor in the city that needs a bouncer...
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