First ride?? Advice please??

Motorcycles are pretty different beasts compared to pedal bicycles...There have been so many entertaining threads lately that my work days are not as boring as they used to be. I'm not sure if this is a troll or not but i'm gonna offer up a different perspective...

First the size of the engine really isn't the danger.. it's how much horsepower / torque is available.... Get a 1000cc bike with 35hp as your starter bike... it's pretty safe... get a 1000cc bike with 100+ hp as your first bike could be dangerous. Maybe you have the discipline to keep it wheels down...maybe you don't. I have no idea how old or mature you are but if your friends are suggesting you get a 100+ hp bike as your starter bike and the only 2 wheel experience you have is on pedal bicycles check to make sure they haven't taken an insurance policy out on you... haha

food for thought but no more feeding the trolls from me...
food for thought but no more feeding the trolls from me...

But trolls need to be fed too! Displacement isn't the issue as stated above. Its the power and how that power is delivered. A modem sports bike generally has a smooth power delivery. Something like the old RG500 have the white knuckle two-stroke top end that can and will toss you if you don't know what to expect.

You can learn on anything. How fast your technique improves and your chances of staying upright are what changes.
see, here it comes the "you will die" famous words.

I can't count how many times I've seen it written on this forum that lower displacement motorcycles are more forgiving. The bottom line is, a new rider can choose to ride whatever he/she wants to. We are all different, with different riding skills. Some more natural than others. But, I will always encourage (not bully) a new rider to start small.
The reality is the insurance companies are dealing with this for us, super high rates for novice riders on ss bikes. I bought a 97 gsxr600, rode all my life but took a few years away (kids) came back, insurance wanted $4400/yr, said I was new cause I hadn't had insurance on a bike for three years! Sold the gixxer right away, bought a 500 ninja, paid $680/yr for that. Sold it, now on a 1200 bandit, pay 470/yr.
Definitely check out the INS for an r1, that'll make up your mind in a hurry lol!
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