First Date Ideas ?

Go somewhere scenic like websters falls for examples, do a tour of the fall leaves, bring a picnic with you.....
Do this, but bring two old school SLRs with you (the cameras, not the Mercedes). Have fun taking pictures of different things which would also give you time to chat and get to know each other. At the end of the date, take the camera back and if she wants to see the pictures she took (assuming she had fun), she'll be up for a second date.

I have a bunch of silly and cheesy ideas like this.
Do this, but bring two old school SLRs with you (the cameras, not the Mercedes). Have fun taking pictures of different things which would also give you time to chat and get to know each other. At the end of the date, take the camera back and if she wants to see the pictures she took (assuming she had fun), she'll be up for a second date.

I have a bunch of silly and cheesy ideas like this.

Gay and very old person style. No woman wants to take pictures with old cameras and have you hold them hostage for a second date so she can see them. What's the second date? 4 clock dinner with a coupon and her starring in your snuff film?
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Gay and very old person style. No woman wants to take pictures with old cameras and have you hold them hostage for a second date so she can see them. What's the second date? 4 clock dinner with a coupon and her starring in your snuff film?
Yeah, I agree... that's why I've never done this (never will either).
Yeah, snuff films are more of a third or fourth date kind of activity. That way you can make sure she's not a weirdo first.
What do you guys think of going to a bar, pub, or club as a first date? I never really thought about it until yesterday. And after giving it some thought, it sounds so genius. Although I'm not sure how it pans out IRL

NEVER take a girl that you're interested in but not officially exclusively dating at the moment to a club or even a bar. TRUST ME ON THIS, I've gotten completely ****ed doing this twice now. No good can come of this, seriously.
NEVER take a girl that you're interested in but not officially exclusively dating at the moment to a club or even a bar. TRUST ME ON THIS, I've gotten completely ****ed doing this twice now. No good can come of this, seriously.
Sorry, mind expanding? Does she end up trying to talk to other dudes? Or does she get way too drunk/you end up taking care of her? Or do you have to keep dudes from sniping her all night? Seriously curious 'cause it SEEMS like such a good idea. PM me if you gotta?

Biggest problem that I see is if she's the type to play games & tries to get me jealous by dancing with other dudes. But I'm usually pretty good at filtering those kinds of girls out.
Sorry, mind expanding? Does she end up trying to talk to other dudes? Or does she get way too drunk/you end up taking care of her? Or do you have to keep dudes from sniping her all night? Seriously curious 'cause it SEEMS like such a good idea. PM me if you gotta?

Biggest problem that I see is if she's the type to play games & tries to get me jealous by dancing with other dudes. But I'm usually pretty good at filtering those kinds of girls out.

She will get hit on and she very likely will be drunk so might be more responsive and logical thinking goes out the window. And if she's not your GF than TECHNICALLY you can't really say anything because she's not really your girl and she's allowed to do whatever she wants. If she does flirt with another dude and you get pi$sed off you look like an insecure d0uche bag, so you loose. If you say nothing and it escalates where she's all over another dude, you loose. The later happened to me twice now. It's a loose, loose situation. Also, let's face it, if a decent looking girl wants attention at a club, she will get it. No questions asked. If anything happens she will just blame the alcohol. "LOL, oh really, I did what? Can't remember" or "Sorry, I was drunk and I didn't know what I was doing"

Also, if she's very classy/not-slutty and doesn't want to drink it will make for a pretty boring date where you can't really talk with the loud music. I've done this 3 times now (only once on a first date though and it wasn't the first stop) one time was ok, and twice was a total disaster (see above).
Alright, so round 2 goes Wednesday night :p. She invited me over to her place to hangout, dinner and a movie. She said she'll cook if I pick a movie - any suggestions?
Alright, so round 2 goes Wednesday night :p. She invited me over to her place to hangout, dinner and a movie. She said she'll cook if I pick a movie - any suggestions?

Something funny:)
Alright, so round 2 goes Wednesday night :p. She invited me over to her place to hangout, dinner and a movie. She said she'll cook if I pick a movie - any suggestions?

Human Centipede 2
Your 40 dollar student membership and a French movie spells pimp? Really?? Think it spells cheap and gay more!

The fact that you think spending a load of money on a broad to get laid is the way to do it spells insecure.

The dates that make a woman moist are the ones that almost no other man can give a woman regardless of wallet size.

Of course spending money at a very expensive restaurant usually works on throw away women. But definately not on any woman I would consider boning more than once.
Of course spending money at a very expensive restaurant usually works on throw away women. But definately not on any woman I would consider boning more than once.

Ever heard of the "catch & release" policy :D
I actually went out with a chick that wanted to watch the Human Centipede on the second date, no joke. She later turned out to be a nut job. Guess I should have seen the signs.

You and Redballs can compete for the "most interesting women you've dated"
The fact that you think spending a load of money on a broad to get laid is the way to do it spells insecure.

The dates that make a woman moist are the ones that almost no other man can give a woman regardless of wallet size.

Of course spending money at a very expensive restaurant usually works on throw away women. But definately not on any woman I would consider boning more than once.

did i say spend more money? no i said his definiton of pimp is silly considering its a student membership and a french film. dont get so excited to make a wrong point,slow down and read first
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Something funny:icon_smile:

Agreed, but have nothing with me as I'm away for school. She already told me that she hates horror movies so thats a no go. Human Centipede looks messed up... some that I brought down...

After The Sunset - I think it'll be this one
The Usual Suspects
National Security
Mr Deeds
Master of Disguise
Your 40 dollar student membership and a French movie spells pimp? Really?? Think it spells cheap and gay more!

Gay and very old person style. No woman wants to take pictures with old cameras and have you hold them hostage for a second date so she can see them. What's the second date? 4 clock dinner with a coupon and her starring in your snuff film?

No you don't have any fixation with money at all. And it's not obvious from your posts in anyway. Lots of people enjoy using "old cameras" and developing pictures.

The date described was actually pretty novel. Given the right setting, attitude, and knowledge of the subject (depends on the girl as well) she could be literally foaming at the mouth with that proposition.

Sonny I know you just called me a dummy to piss me off. And it worked, but then I relaxed a little when I realized how miserable of a person you are. I also take solace in the fact that people like you who have no game whatsoever and get laid only by spending money on broads make people with personalities look so much better. Thank you for that.

To the OP:
If you take a woman out for her first time doing anything she will always associate that activity with you good or bad.
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