What's wrong with some people on this forum. The guy made a mistake and crashed, it can happen to all of us. I don't understand why people are lecturing that he follows too closely or if he could do it in tests, he should be able to do it here. A closed circuit is much different from a real life scenario. Some people just need a punch in the head to wise up a little.
I would imagine that the replies aren't for the OP, they are for newer riders that may be reading this. They will be thinking that it could happen to them at anytime for no reason at all. The OP was following to close, period. It was no ones fault but his own. How many times just on this site have people been told to ride as if all cagers are idiots and want to kill you. If he had been riding with that mindset, he would have not been following to close.
No need to punch someone in the head. No one is lecturing him at all, just clarifying.
And fwiw, if there's still only the two, I rode there the day they were installing them and going the speed limit you have MORE than enough time to be riding perfectly straight and no reason you wouldn't be able to stop.