Try and remember that the \Fire department works for the city and it is the city that is submitting you the bill to recoupe thier costs. Those costs would in turn be again paid by your insurance unless of course you dont have any but then it ends up that the person is responsible for thier choises in not getting insurance. Dont blame the guys who walk into your burning home trying to save as much of your stuff and your life as they can while risking thiers because the city wants compensation. Police write tickets to make money to cover thier costs. Ambulances charge between $50-$300 for a ride to the hospital depending on it is deemed life threatening or the person was jsut to lazy to drive them selves thier or simply go see thier doctor because of the flu. Fire departments provide a service and dont personally bill the public. The city bills for False alarms calls at buildings and for perishable products like absorbant materials at accidnets.
I'm a strong supporter of firefighters and emergency service people, well some Police, "not so much", but thats another issue. My issue is with this billing practice in which you clarified is charged by the City, in which in my opinion is a double dipping tax. That said it makes perfect sense for their to be a charge for false alarms , and non emergency calls.
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