Fight or Flight


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Interesting article regarding the right to die debate and a young lady who elected to exit this past weekend based on a law in Oregon. By all accounts she was a vibrant young lady diagnosed with a devastating disease.

being given a window of opportunity she grabbed life by the horns, and stepped up to advocate for a controversial decision involving her selecting her exit point.

Difficult decision to make on many fronts.
To me it's quite simple. We should do for our beloved humans as we do for our beloved animals.
I've been following Brittany's story for awhile now, as it hits real close to home for me. So damned sad she had to uproot to Oregon for the right to these drugs.

Last year a lady from BC went to Switzerland. My biggest fear is family not being able to be with them at the end if they want to be.

100% believe you have the right to end your own life peacefully and without stress to others
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To me it's quite simple. We should do for our beloved humans as we do for our beloved animals.

Yea I don't get it myself. The last three days of my mothers life were though for not only us to watch but also for her i'm sure despite the pain meds. Its not how she wanted to go and i know from past discussions she would have wanted to be helped along. To be honest they left us with so much morphine i considered just giving her all of it. But i didn't want to make thing worse for her or myself
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It appears that some people fail to realize dying is inevitable. Why would someone want to suffer is beyond me. Their life, their call
just had this happen in our extended family 95 year old wanted to be taken off all meds and oxygen,he was with family and passed in peace,thats the way i would like to go.I cant imagine living in pain or suffering to prolong a life.
I've been reading this too. She was a very brave lady and I have only feelings of disgust for the religious loonies who tried to barge in on her last days and make a nuisance of themselves.
If you guys get any cancer try cannabis oil before killing yourself....its a whole other debate but I've seen some convincing ****.

I want to see a law in Ontario that allows terminally ill patients to end their lives with dignity, without enduring further pain, without waiting for weeks and weeks, via lethal drugs prescribed by a doctor, and I want to see this happening at their home or the location of their choosing.

I would even want to extend this law to some particular people that are not terminally ill - such as senior citizens that are over 90 years old, in complete use of their mental capacity, if they have decided they wish to end their lives.
I think She grabbed Death by the horns, rather than Life.

I had a friend Shauna that this happened to, but she decided to live.

She brought so much Hope, Joy and Happiness to her friends and family before she passed,
but she knew where she was headed.

I was privileged to have met her.

Definitely a difficult decision to make.
If you guys get any cancer try cannabis oil before killing yourself....its a whole other debate but I've seen some convincing ****.

How about talk to your DR about treatments. Cannabis and its derivatives is touted as a Miracle cure by both pot enthusiasts and Natural health sites but the science so far is...inconclusive..

Cannabinoids have had some interesting lab results although its most promising in he field of prevention not so much in treatment (current focus is on endocannabinoids cannabinoids produced by the body). 100's of compounds are tested daily for cancer fighting and lots are able to kill cells in labs but don't make it past the lab stage for a variety of reasons. There is also thousands of types of cannabinoids that are out there so if one is a cure and present in hash oil you probably arn't getting in sufficient quantities especially since its readily absorbed by Fat and other cells most of it if any will not make it to the Tumors but allot of research into new types of chemo for a better absorption rate by Tumors is under way. If one was to find a specific one to treat a specific cancer it would most likely still be applied as a form a chemotherapy in a pure lab synthesized state.

Talk to your DR before self treating as Pot,Hash oil and other herbal remedies can interfere with your meds and Chemo. Your Dr is your best source for questions on alternative treatments.
It's not even just about pain. It's about loosing your mental capacity and being degenerated to a dribbling vegetable or worse. This is a fate much worse then death IMHO and I respect her decision to end her life before this would happen. Much better to die while you have your wits about you and understand what's happening then going on an acid trip from hell, while your brain slowly degenerates and you have no idea what sort of mental anguish the broken brain circuitry will put you through before you finally kiss this life goodbye. By then you will probably lack the mental capacity to even understand what's happening and the significance of one of the most significant events in everyone's life,your death, will go over your head.
I've been following Brittany's story for awhile now, as it hits real close to home for me. So damned sad she had to uproot to Oregon for the right to these drugs.

Last year a lady from BC went to Switzerland. My biggest fear is family not being able to be with them at the end if they want to be.

100% believe you have the right to end your own life peacefully and without stress to others

Agree. I've had 1st hand experience with this as well.

Where can the line be drawn though and who will enforce it? I've seen lots of people of all ages want to kill themselves because of lost relationships or other silly things. Will the person have to have a terminal disease or will they be granted RTD if they can prove they're suffering enough. You can see where I'm going with this (it's a headache for sure) but I still support it in many ways.
Where can the line be drawn though and who will enforce it? I've seen lots of people of all ages want to kill themselves because of lost relationships or other silly things. Will the person have to have a terminal disease or will they be granted RTD if they can prove they're suffering enough. You can see where I'm going with this (it's a headache for sure) but I still support it in many ways.

There are headaches in over seeing everything from healthcare to taxes. But one thing is for sure without the government looking into the issue in a mature way and having public discussions with input the people who it matters from such as DR's (since its a medical question) we arnt going to get anywhere on it. It needs to be public discourse and input
I agree it's a messy situation.

Secondary question - without RTD legislation would you help someone? I would
I agree it's a messy situation.

Secondary question - without RTD legislation would you help someone? I would

I said could...i didn't when i could.. you have to ask yourself worst case scenario if you get caught would that person what you to risk a significant prison sentence. Plus there is allot of ways to **** up killing someone..
Agree. I've had 1st hand experience with this as well.

Where can the line be drawn though and who will enforce it? I've seen lots of people of all ages want to kill themselves because of lost relationships or other silly things. Will the person have to have a terminal disease or will they be granted RTD if they can prove they're suffering enough. You can see where I'm going with this (it's a headache for sure) but I still support it in many ways.

Why should you have to prove anything to anyone?
It's your life, if you want to go you get to go.

After spending a lot of time in hospitals over the last couple years and seeing some truly horrific things i've decided im never getting to that point. Don't need a law to back me up...
i think if you want to die, you have that right.

unfortunately, this opens the doors for people dealing with depression and other mental issues.
and yet again for people that cant decide for themselves. ( severe autism / retardation/ you name it. )

obviously this thread isnt going to decide what the law should or shouldnt be.
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