Fence/Fence by-law questions, Mississauga.

Bump to ask a question about a gate. Joe Bass, if your brother comes back with an answer, please post.

MotorcycleMike, I just spoke with Little Bass. Nada to the DekBlock idea. Too much movement. 4x4 lagged to wall should give needed clearance. If you want a little more, add a 2x4, screwed to lagged post. He advises against the 6x6, as more difficult to secure. This gate should be 3.5' - 4' max.
He also said it's possible that your plants suffocated your a/c. (I also have an hvac guy).
Finally, the joker told me to give you this:
Invoice # 678332
Advice for gate $85
Text time fee $20
Hst. $13.65
Total. $118.65
I told him when he gets his bike, he can hit you up for advice. ?
Right on, thanks Joe.

Yeah, I'll get some strong lags and attach a 4x4 to the wall. If it appears that having a gate on that side might cause issues with the meter, then I might try to figure out how to build a 7' or 8' gate coming from the other side and just use the bit attached to the house as a latch point -- however, I figure such a large gate might require significant backing and/or a wheel jack on the end of it.
Bump to ask a question about a gate. Joe Bass, if your brother comes back with an answer, please post.

Here is the area in question:

Ideally the hinge point (if a double gate) or latch point (if single gate) would be about 2' from the wall so it misses the meter, however I cannot put a post in that location -- so how do I make a solid hinge or latch point here?
Any ideas?

I would weld up some angle iron brackets to move the hinge point out as far as needed. A bit of cross bracing should make them secure from flexing and it saves you trying to lag thick timbers to the wall. Everything gets clad with the matching fence pattern.

If you cut the pieces and take them to a small shop they will usually do the welding pretty cheap.
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