federal election - who are you voting for

All this talk about immigrants! Maybe Harper doesn't know his own history but we are ALL immigrants including Harper and his family! A few generations earlier or later but we are all immigrants.

They dish out this nonsense and the uneducated swallows all their BS!


I haven't been following along but re: immigrants number one just 'cause you're an immigrant(I am) doesn't mean you shouldn't exercise good stewardship over your adopted land, especially if you and your forefathers cultivated it into the envy of the world and number two I bet the Indians wish they'd done things a little differently. Native Indian reserves aren't the envy of the world btw just pointing out the contrast.
Harper is nothing but the Trump of the north. He has been destroying Canada and stomping on all our rights. Then he uses the lowest form of politics and appeals to people's racism and hate (Just as Trump did) to gain votes. The politics of fear and lies.
He uses niqab (which im not a fan of) to distract Canadians from everything horrible he has done. From C-51 to C-24 to our current economy to his environmental policies.
This was one of the latest South Park episodes on this
[video]http://www.slate.com/blogs/browbeat/2015/09/24/south_park_s_donald_trump_episode_season_19_episod e_2_brutally_murdered.html[/video]
They dish out this nonsense and the uneducated swallows all their BS!

Politics 101... distract, distort, divide, conquer. Even scarier on the geo-political level. War (of) Terror is a well oiled propaganda machine, but that's another matter all together.
I haven't been following along but re: immigrants number one just 'cause you're an immigrant(I am) doesn't mean you shouldn't exercise good stewardship over your adopted land, especially if you and your forefathers cultivated it into the envy of the world and number two I bet the Indians wish they'd done things a little differently. Native Indian reserves aren't the envy of the world btw just pointing out the contrast.

They cultivated the land they took by force and genocide from indigenous people. Secondly, when generation after generation you have your wings clipped and put into camps, youre not gonna thrive. I do agree that (now) there are many natives in Canada that are drug head and alcoholics but you gotta look at what led to this. Were they always like this? no. Thirdly, there are people from many different backgrounds that cultivated this land. Including Chinese people who's decendents are now second class citizens even if they are simply eligible to get a Chinese passport. So only white people who cultivated this land have any rights? lastly, even if you ignore the genocide and ethnic cleansing that took place in order for this land to be cultivated, you cultivated a land? good. You also granted citizenship to LEGAL immigrants to come and help conttinue cultivate this land. Many of whom have been here for few generations now and their parents and grandparents worked like everyone else to build this country. Dont forget, they dont accept immigration because they love people. They do it because they need a work force. But now, all of a sudden those very people whos parents helped also build this country are considered second class citizen if they are simply eligble for another citizenshp even if they never applied for it and even if theyyve never been to that respective country.
My friend's parents came from Ireland but he was born here. He now is considered a second class citizen simply because he can have an Irish passport even though he has never applied for one.
Thats Harper for you. Old stock Canadians vs those who are somewhat Canadian. And it has nohing to do with who you are and what kind of a contribution you have made to Canada. Thats discrimination of its worst kind and thats our current PM.
I think it's time to call the "Report your Neighbour" hotline and report you just for fun....

Why because I have different ideology? What are you communist? Eh hm, I mean socialist?
nope... just for fun...
Go ahead call the police I will be happy with 24hr free surveillance of my home.
Should I put an ISIS flag up in my yard to accelerate the process?
LOL at Trudeau doing a VICE interview. It really shows what a baglicker he is. Vice is nothing more than a FB spamming tabloid. 4chan is a more valid news source :)
even the notion of a minority conservative govt is scary...
Harper was excellent as a minority government, he played the game very well and lulled people into thinking he could lead a sensible and prudent majority.

If he gets another minority, that might be fine for as long as it lasts but then people will be lulled again into thinking he's not the controlling manipulative war-mongering wannabe autocrat that he is. That's what scares me.
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