Favorite quote

I'm thinking that "It's in my signature" has got to be one of the worst, if not the worst, quotes of all time.
Newfie one

Sometimes the longest way round is the quickest way home.

For me

If you’re on a bike it’s the best way home.
Career advice from me to my niece:
"You should be a proctologist. There's no shortage of ******** out there."

Ah if only Canada had more than 100 seats in medical schools
“ you know what they call a Burger King whopper in Paris France , a Burger Royale .”

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Quote fail.

Quarter Pounder -> Royale with Cheese.
Imagine what I could do, if I would do all that I can.
- Sun Tzu.
When I was first getting into computering, DOS was new, mostly Unix... my mentor told me
"computers are like the old testament, LOTS of rules, not much mercy"
If water is like cement at 200mph , imagine how hard cement must be at 200mph
Nicky Hayden rip

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The song of the sausage creature.
"Now they got me in a cell cause my records, they sell
Cause a brother like me said, "Well"

Anthrax and Public Enemy
My FIL at my wedding told me:
"Insist on at least one night a week out with the boys."
"Don't waste it on the boys."
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