Where I lived in Mississauga, older part of town (old Cooksville) mostly pensioners, not many kids, BUT you never knew how many kids would come around.I used to have mid-70's as I'd keep count to know how much to buy next year
One year three kids show up, as a group. That's it. I had bought $100 worth of candy.
The next year, it was a steady stream for a couple of hours. I had bought $35 worth of candy.
Next year, one kid, the neighbour's grandson, that the neighbour was baby sitting. I gave him a wrench (inside joke, the neighbour's grandson had Downs Syndrome and he seemed to be REALLY interested in motorcycles. If I was working on a bike outside, he'd be there. I tried to involve him whenever I could. He was a cool kid).
Now I just turn off the lights and act like the grouchy old man that I am.