Father kills disabled son

If "society" wont allow me to deal with it in my own way, then yes, i do want to dump my "responsibilities" on it.

I did say modern day equivalent. If we can put down a dog, why not a retarded child.

I would love to be able to put my parents down if they couldn't live a decent life and asked me to put them down.

Please feel free to put me to sleep if i'm a vegetable.

dude you are ****ed up.

"I would love to put my parents down"... wow just wow. Some lucky parent's you have.

I suppose that's only a reflection of how you were raised by them I guess.
The guy's is a nut job irregardless of the disabled child, but this whole "ooooh, we have to take care of EVERYONE, NO ONE GETS LEFT BEHIND" mentality really has to stop.

YOU ARE SCREWING WITH THE GENE POOL when you dont allow the weak to be taken out of the gene pool. Unfortunatelly, more and more of this is happening as we as a "society" become too weak willed to do the right thing.

back in the day, hard life ended peoples lives early. Better health care and much longer life has brought us other issues. Alzheimers primarily.

i dunno where i am going with this but i firmly believe that if i was born a vegetable and was not a contributing member of the society, end me. stop being mushy mushy about it.
If "society" wont allow me to deal with it in my own way, then yes, i do want to dump my "responsibilities" on it.

I did say modern day equivalent. If we can put down a dog, why not a retarded child.

I would love to be able to put my parents down if they couldn't live a decent life and asked me to put them down.

Please feel free to put me to sleep if i'm a vegetable.

fortunately Canada doesn't share your Nazi views on murdering disabled children. The rules of society indicate you also need to provide for your children, or in your world would you just have people offload their responsibilities if they didn't agree with the law/rules?....because I really don't like the speeding/stunting laws but if I get caught I'm gonna be responsible for some big fines that I can do without.
Would you kill kids with MS, blind,deaf, down syndrome, missing an arm, equally?
Are Nazis banned on this forum?
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YOU ARE SCREWING WITH THE GENE POOL when you dont allow the weak to be taken out of the gene pool. Unfortunatelly, more and more of this is happening as we as a "society" become too weak willed to do the right thing.


ahaha, I was about to say that but fear what the bleeding hearts would say. But if u look at it, if they are not reproducing, they are not screwing the gene pool.

And yes, the question is if u are drooling all over yourself and have no conscious self, are you technically alive?

Alot of my friends say they rather die that become a veggie. I have a friend in med school who goes on to say he does not want to live past 80. He's gonna kill himself, lol. Don't know how much truth there is to that.
The guy's is a nut job irregardless of the disabled child, but this whole "ooooh, we have to take care of EVERYONE, NO ONE GETS LEFT BEHIND" mentality really has to stop.

YOU ARE SCREWING WITH THE GENE POOL when you dont allow the weak to be taken out of the gene pool. Unfortunatelly, more and more of this is happening as we as a "society" become too weak willed to do the right thing.

back in the day, hard life ended peoples lives early. Better health care and much longer life has brought us other issues. Alzheimers primarily.

i dunno where i am going with this but i firmly believe that if i was born a vegetable and was not a contributing member of the society, end me. stop being mushy mushy about it.

cool story bro. What brand of steroids are you using? I want to become a hardass like you so people think I'm cool CUZ YELLING ON INTERWEBZ WITH CAPS ON IS SO AWESOME.
The guy's is a nut job irregardless of the disabled child, but this whole "ooooh, we have to take care of EVERYONE, NO ONE GETS LEFT BEHIND" mentality really has to stop.

YOU ARE SCREWING WITH THE GENE POOL when you dont allow the weak to be taken out of the gene pool. Unfortunatelly, more and more of this is happening as we as a "society" become too weak willed to do the right thing.

back in the day, hard life ended peoples lives early. Better health care and much longer life has brought us other issues. Alzheimers primarily.

i dunno where i am going with this but i firmly believe that if i was born a vegetable and was not a contributing member of the society, end me. stop being mushy mushy about it.

Dude, how is it screwing with the gene pool unless they're procreating?

I'm kinda sitting on the fence with this one. There is no easy answer. Oh yeah, and the dad in this particular case is psycho. Definitely not a Latimer situation.
cool story bro. What brand of steroids are you using? I want to become a hardass like you so people think I'm cool CUZ YELLING ON INTERWEBZ WITH CAPS ON IS SO AWESOME.

fortunately Canada doesn't share your Nazi views on murdering disabled children. The rules of society indicate you also need to provide for your children, or in your world would you just have people offload their responsibilities if they didn't agree with the law/rules?....because I really don't like the speeding/stunting laws but if I get caught I'm gonna be responsible for some big fines that I can do without.
Would you kill kids with MS, blind,deaf, down syndrome, missing an arm, equally?
Are Nazis banned on this forum?

I like how you go straight to the Nazi crap. How about I feel the same way as every civilization pre 1900. If you can't be a productive member of society and no one is willing to put you up, then I'm sorry, but sucks to be you. No need for hysterics. Lol.
dude you are ****ed up.

"I would love to put my parents down"... wow just wow. Some lucky parent's you have.

I suppose that's only a reflection of how you were raised by them I guess.

If you're going to quote me, then do it properly please. I said that I would love to BE ABLE to put my parents down, not that I would love to. When your sitting in your own feces and begging your children to kill you, just remember that you don't think they should be allowed to.
an ability of a cognitive adult to choose whether he or she lives or not is somewhat different from choosing for others, don't you think?
an ability of a cognitive adult to choose whether he or she lives or not is somewhat different from choosing for others, don't you think?

Regardless. Even if you want to die, by law they won't let you. If you are caught trying to commit suicide, they charge you lol.
Definitely do not agree with what this guy did, but there is a LOT of stress in caring for someone like this 24/7. The unfortunate reality is that government resources are limited, and the wait list is years long. There is no government assistance available short term except if the child poses a physical danger to others in the house. I can see how the responsibility of caring could drive him around the bend far enough that drastic action makes sense some how. I can only wish that people will not have to experience this with their own children, either through genetics or as the result of an accident.
I like how you go straight to the Nazi crap. How about I feel the same way as every civilization pre 1900. If you can't be a productive member of society and no one is willing to put you up, then I'm sorry, but sucks to be you. No need for hysterics. Lol.

thankfully modern civilization has advanced in it's way of thinking.

"The measure of a society is found in how they treat their weakest and most helpless citizens.*…
I grew up with a retarded cousin whom we all loved and he loved us back. While it gets tough for parents and I understand how difficult it was for my aunt. No one ever questioned if he had a right to live and who would control that. I am not going to judge those who committed murder in the name of love or compassion or selfishness. If I was ever put to that test, I will love that child and take care of him/her until I die. If I knew before making the decision to have a child that he or she will be mentally challenged then I will definitely consider getting snipped. But once born it is your responsibility until the end, whichever end that may be.
Krashasaki is glad that Krashasaki's parents weren't crazy like this guy. Or else you guys wouldn't have Krashasaki's zany comments!
This particular case has a lot more to do with the actions of a psychopath against someone unable to defend him or herself, vs any perception of disability rights that the disabled individual has.

This is about as far and as away from the Robert Latimer case as you can get, as a comparator - judging purely by the news article.

I work in this field, in the front lines.

No matter how physically disabled an individual is, and no matter what functional level that their cognitive abilities appear to be, these people are human. Humans by their very nature are imperfect. Who are any of us to judge, what is imperfect beyond salvage or redemption?

Disabled individuals can feel, and they can perceive what is being said around them, they can understand when they are being belittled and devalued. Even low functioning individuals have complex thought processes going on, and can have the full range of emotional, reasoning, and cognitive skills that so-called 'normal' individuals have - even if they are internally impaired in some manner, or externally disabled through expressive and communicative skills.

Take a look at Stephen Hawkings.. would you be so quick to put him down like a suffering dog, by his appearance alone?

Some of you individuals really should be keeping your comments to yourself, or reserve your judgements for only your own personal situations in the form of a DNR order in case that the worst should happen. Otherwise - let others live as they are, and as they have the full right to, as equal citizens under both the US Constitution, and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

There are alternatives for care of individuals who are unmanageable by family caregivers alone. Whether that be through Personal Support Workers, Community Living organizational involvement and intervention, or becoming a ward of the State, and being placed into care with a foster family or facility able to care for the individuals physical and cognitive needs. Please note - in Ontario, there is no longer an institutional model to care for individuals - there is no warehousing of the disabled. These individuals, by right, are entitled to live in the community, with community and social supports. The rest of Canada, and to a large extent the US, is following this same model of social responsibility for those that are so disadvantaged.

It's called Social Responsibility - it comes with living in a society that isn't a third-world cesspool where life is cheap, and the disadvantaged are prey, or trash. Some of y'all should try to come to an understanding of that. Yes, there are costs involved, that we all bear in our social support system. Suck it up.
so you would go to jail?
Someone mentioned that it's not possible to give up disabled kids for adoption in Canada......not sure if that's true.......if they are Im sure the conditions are horrific.

If that's true, then I don't understand why we're able to give up healthy children for adoption.

If not in Canada, then there are places in the world that will euthanize an infant with medical abnormalities. I, nor my partner, would ever burden society with a child that has no real future.
Definitely do not agree with what this guy did, but there is a LOT of stress in caring for someone like this 24/7. The unfortunate reality is that government resources are limited, and the wait list is years long. There is no government assistance available short term except if the child poses a physical danger to others in the house. I can see how the responsibility of caring could drive him around the bend far enough that drastic action makes sense some how. I can only wish that people will not have to experience this with their own children, either through genetics or as the result of an accident.

While there are wait-lists involved in getting involved with the various community living programs and their various programs, there is no real qualification limitations on respite care for the disabled, for primary caregivers in the home. If you apply, and you have a validated need for assistance, you will be funded for assistance. There are no restrictions related to aggression or for detrimental behavior. Allotment of funds and hiring of Personal Care workers is now done on the purchased service 'needs assessment' model. Funding is allocated on a purchase of service basis, with the individual being a 'consumer' of those services - and that individual or his/her assigned representatives assessing the effectiveness of those services being provided.

While the social model for support of the disabled is under-funded, and under financial strain - there is no valid reason why things should get desperate enough to the point where harm is done to an individual due to the stresses involved in their care.

Unfortunately - the government has shared the common practice of undervaluing the disabled individual, both as a contributor in society, and as a voter in the past - but things are improving for the better.
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