i'd like to see a seperate license for highways.
like the g2 never expires, but you can get a full G only if you want to.
then make the full G harder to get. which would allow the highway speeds to be increased.
All the traffic is going in the same way, generally within a fairly close margin of the same speed. No cross traffic. No lights. Traffic coming on merges in the same direction instead of making a turn onto the road. Highways are arguably the easiest driving that anyone will do and the barriers are psychological.
The technology is available now where you could pull up to a testing centre, and they fit your car with a device that has accelerometers,gps,and cameras (four directions, plus one watching the driver).Then tell you to drive to a different testing centre. Once you show up, they take your device, download your data,and send you home.
Your data gets reviewed by computer software (eye tracking software,acceleration limits, rules of the road vs. actual GPS data), and then three days later, or however long it takes, you go back to the testing centre, and you find out if you pass or fail. Have an atm like kiosk, which reads your license and prints a checkmark or an X on your license (like a subways stamp card). One x demands an immediate retest. Two x's demands an immediate retest with a human and if you fail that, you have to start over (rewrite g1).
Have this "black box" test every year.
I also like the idea of a simulator. Once every five years maybe?
With no person involved there's no way of knowing who actually took the test.