What are things like in Europe? I've never been but I generally assume that European drivers are better than North American drivers. They have much narrower roads and are able to navigate them without problems.
I see people in Brampton (because that's where I live) who have no idea where the edges of their vehicle are. On a two lane road that is easily four cars wide to account for parked cars, people will drive in the oncoming traffic lane to go around a parked vehicle. And if an oncoming car is coming towards them, they do one of two things: a) ignore the oncoming car and drive down the middle of the road, or b) stop and wait for the car to drive by before proceeding down the center of the road. It boggles my mind that people don't know where the side of their vehicle is and they'd rather drive head on into another motorist than get a few feet closer to the parked car or curb.
And don't get me started about people making u-turns on a red light, not stopping at 4-way stop signs, failing to signal their intentions and being the fourth car making that left turn after the light has turned red.
just to take this whole detour out of the equation: http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/trans/main/wp6/pdfdocs/RAS_2011_Final_Version.pdf