EXTREMELY GRAPHIC. Please don't watch if you are faint of heart!

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Israel and Hamas have had quarrels for almost a decade. Israel and Egypt can and have been crippling Gaza with economic sanctions for almost that long. Why would Israel go postal on a bunch of poor people NOW? Why would Israel drop 24hr notices to their enemy for air raids, and then provide hospital assistance to the wounded on the outskirts of the area they just bombed? Why would Israel risk public demonizing when the moment they stop receiving support from the US, the rest of the middle east will go ape **** on them? Why would they bomb, kill, commit gennocide, make the world hate them, and then "Ok guys, let's have a cease fire."?

There's something we're not being told, and it has something to do with this:
Israel and Hamas have had quarrels for almost a decade. Israel and Egypt can and have been crippling Gaza with economic sanctions for almost that long. Why would Israel go postal on a bunch of poor people NOW? Why would Israel drop 24hr notices to their enemy for air raids, and then provide hospital assistance to the wounded on the outskirts of the area they just bombed? Why would Israel risk public demonizing when the moment they stop receiving support from the US, the rest of the middle east will go ape **** on them? Why would they bomb, kill, commit gennocide, make the world hate them, and then "Ok guys, let's have a cease fire."?

There's something we're not being told, and it has something to do with this:

What a remarkably astute question X86ect.

Answer- Israel is foolishly suicidal.

Or - Israel was attacked by Hamas, having 3 young men kidnapped and murdered out of the blue. Many will blame the Israeli government in a knee jerk fashion just as soon as they will ignore that Hamas is responsible for this heinous crime against CIVILIAN teenage boys but that doesn't seem to matter.
Someone please think of the children!!!

Just not the Palestinian ones, of course.
People ignore that it's 6 million Israelis against over 2 billion Muslims. Some blood thirsty savages some civilized humans.
Yep...I remember the IRA when they kidnapped and killed Brits the army invaded Dublin after building a massive wall around it then bulldozed houses and bombed the crap out of the town....except that didn't happen as that would be the actions of psychotic inhumane idiots.
Yep...I remember the IRA when they kidnapped and killed Brits the army invaded Dublin after building a massive wall around it then bulldozed houses and bombed the crap out of the town....except that didn't happen as that would be the actions of psychotic inhumane idiots.

These were JEWISH teenagers, man. They're chosen people.
Thats a semi joke because the insane nutbar evangelical yanks that support this barbaric country actually believe that too.

Thanks for clarifying that for people such as yourself who would have no clue of your meaning unless you clarified just what the f*** you mean.
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