Everyone wants a job, but nobody wants to work


Why do people have a million excuses for not working?

All play and no work, was a American mindset for decades and look what happened.

It's quickly becoming a Canadian mindset.
I don't want a job or work..I just want hookers and blow..is that too much to ask!??!

Why do people have a million excuses for not working?

All play and no work, was a American mindset for decades and look what happened.

It's quickly becoming a Canadian mindset.

Sounds like the start of some rant which will include next to no facts.
I've tried the get paid doing things I enjoy but as soon as that happened they stopped being fun and started being work...
Work is always going to be work.
I work 7 days a week, most days are 10, sometimes 12 hours shifts.
I don't mind putting in the long hours because I truly love my job.
There are the days where I don't want to be there.
The pressure, the problems, etc. but it's a part of any job IMO and you will never have 100% satisfaction.
it looks like its going to be a nice day tomorrow. pretty good football games this weekend
I don't need to enjoy my work because I legitimately enjoy the grind (between 3 jobs. I just got my 4th now, but I'll probably be leaving 1) & I only see working as a means towards whatever end I have in mind. Some people live to work but I work to live (which is usually a bad thing for most people). I guess I'm pretty lucky that I can do this without burning out. I find that separating work & pleasure helps a lot (I can't do what 2live&ride does).

Tbh, it's not necessarily a bad thing that there are a lot of lazy people willing to do half-assed jobs - it just makes you look that much better when you do your job properly...
I've tried the get paid doing things I enjoy but as soon as that happened they stopped being fun and started being work...

I believe it was Mark Twain that said "Work is what you are obliged to do and play is what you aren't obliged to do."

I derive satisfaction from what I do but not to the point where I would pay to do it.

As far as the intial post goes, the OP is either trolling or thinks that he's the only one in the world with a work ethic.
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Easy answer is that it pays more NOT to work for most people. When the government pays you not to work thus creating massive inflation which kills jobs.

When the government stops creating inflation, good high paying jobs come back into the country.
I just quit my job and went on EI and welfare.... this will easily cover my mortgage and BMW lease!!!! EASY MONEY@#
I just quit my job and went on EI and welfare.... this will easily cover my mortgage and BMW lease!!!! EASY MONEY@#
See what happens when you get your education from youtube?
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