Every Thursday night - Lakeshore and Leslie???

Q about last night's event:
Are there prizes given out for the loudest exhaust every week? or just the 2nd Thursdays of the month down @ the ol' L&L Tim's?:confused:
Hey - there was ice cream there - i think everyone was just enjoying the view (wish i had my camera)
Monday is icecream ride day - you have to come for ICE CREAM - we all scream for ICE CREAM (I feel a song coming on)

at least now there is someone I can call 'princess' without getting brow beat.:rolleyes:
i too was lured by false promises of the frozen treat yet found none...

yea we were led astray..

can I get an amen???!!!

damn I'm going to sleep..... :happy3:
Nice to see u too
there was plenty of water and ice cream across the street perhaps its an excuse to do it all over again :) LOL
See you soon

Nice seeing you again Buttercupprincess.

....Pr lured me to the water with promise of ice cream. Did I get any? N-O!
Q about last night's event:
Are there prizes given out for the loudest exhaust every week? or just the 2nd Thursdays of the month down @ the ol' L&L Tim's?:confused:

I think the fourious 5 took that prize last night as we were leaving ;)
Looks like rain is gonna show up today and give us a chance to do a group wash.
And thunder is gonna answer to the loud pipes contest and take first place.

Admission free.

To be continued.....
anybody go and get their bike washed??:D
I showed up on my DR650 around 8:30. Was having a blast riding thru water up past mt footpegs. No other bikes showed, but around 9:30 there we ten scooters in the lot.
Unfortunately, my bike looks better..........dirty.
Where do I claim my loudest exhaust prize?!?!?
I might drag my bike this far East...

Anyone up for a ride beforehand?
So... any pre-meet for tomorrow night..??? if YES... where and what time...?? pickering crew... feel free to contact me at anytime... you probably have my phone number... so.. text me...

So... any pre-meet for tomorrow night..??? if YES... where and what time...?? pickering crew... feel free to contact me at anytime... you probably have my phone number... so.. text me...
Yeah, me, jessica, daniela, goldie and a few others are getting together and gonna do a few Twyn Rivers runs before heading to L&L. I will be running an "advanced noob" class on Twyn Rivers showing how bumps in corners can upset the bike/steering, and also how decreasing radius corners are so dangers, and how to avoid them by going slow in fast out.

And exact place/time hasn't been nailed down yet to my knowledge, so watch this thread for updates tomorrow :D

I'm sure I'll be hungry as hell later, so Goldie and crew, if you wanna roll to that poutine place again that's be just sweet :D

-Jamie M.
Yeah, me, jessica, daniela, goldie and a few others are getting together and gonna do a few Twyn Rivers runs before heading to L&L.

10-4... i will keep an eye on this thread...

gonna do a few Twyn Rivers runs before heading to L&L. I will be running an "advanced noob" class on Twyn Rivers showing how bumps in corners can upset the bike/steering, and also how decreasing radius corners are so dangers, and how to avoid them by going slow in fast out.

i will keep an eye on this... IF... is possible.. post time... so, maybe i can wait behind the turn number 2 for some nice vids and some knee dragging photo shots.... :D

It's looking like around 7pm. Location still undetermined. Somewhere around Twyn Rivers I'd assume. Will send out PM's rather then post in the thread so we don't have a huge party :D

-Jamie M.
I'll pop by after my 7pm appointment then maybe come back after 10pm...have some house stuff to take care of.
It's looking like around 7pm. Location still undetermined. Somewhere around Twyn Rivers I'd assume. Will send out PM's rather then post in the thread so we don't have a huge party :D

-Jamie M.

Send me a PM here seeing as you've been perma-banned from Facebook it seems lol :P
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