Every Thursday night - Lakeshore and Leslie???

Anyone going down from Durham Region (uxbridge) later on.. im not done work for another 15-20 mins.. so ill be going at around 8ish

Let me know, i def want to meet some new people, never really been to a meet so hit me up..
Adli and myself are meeting at the Shell gas station at Whites/Hwy 2 around 8:30 if anyone else in the area wants to join.
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oh well... i just did a quick PIT stop at lakeshore & Leslie around 9:30 and i just saw a few bikes overthere.... i was there before... but looks like they start the party late night... too much for me... i have to work in the morning you know... :confused: anyways... i just say hi to FUNRIDER... but he start look at me like... who is this guy..!!! :D i don't know... maybe because the night... maybe because i grow up a little bit... or maybe because i wasnt wearing my gear... anyways... after look at my bike... "i think" he figure out it was me... ;) oh well... i hope you guys had a great time... see you all around..!!!

Juan did you even go to the right place?:p
I showed up around 9:45 - 10:00 or so at it was packed! LOL
Hey Juan - yeah - it's the gear thing - didn't recognize you at first - sort of like seeing Danielle wear clothes on the back of Jamie's bike - who's that:shock:
It was great seeing familar and new faces tonight.

BTW... for everyone else. Yes, we did find ICE CREAM and it was good! :p You know you are... Thanks!!
Hey Juan - yeah - it's the gear thing - didn't recognize you at first - sort of like seeing Danielle wear clothes on the back of Jamie's bike - who's that:shock:
OMG, it was my uber amazing new 2up'er Jessica (userid: seksiebaybie). And damn, in those hot clothes.... ohhhh no words, at the L&L meet, in her short shorts, awesome boots, and Honda white mesh jacket... DAMN DAMN DAMN!




For a tiny tiny sampling of the 3,867 pics we took tonight: http://www.gtamotorcycle.com/vbforum/showthread.php?p=1006079#post1006079



Oh damn.

-Jamie M.
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nie pics bro. and nice meeting you jessica, juan didn't even see ya...
OMG, it was my uber amazing new 2up'er Jessica... DAMN DAMN DAMN!

Wow..!!! :shock: beautiful 2up'er... i can't wait for pics updates... :D

juan didn't even see ya...

Yea... you guys sometimes ignore me... oh well.. what can i do... just look FUNRIDER... he didnt even recognized me after all those fun rides on sundays... :D

see you around...

the gather up started, when their was a downtown meet a few months ago, now its just a meet up after a group ride. It's usually late because people go on their rides after work then to end things they meet up at that lakeshore location, since there is a huge price choppers parking lot right by it. it usually starts around 8 pm, just as about price choppers starting to close, and everyone pretty much leaves when ever sometimes to about 1 am...or even later, sense its all different groups that come there..
The 'gather up' started years ago.. this isnt a new thing.
We have been meeting there even before there was a Timmies.
The 'gather up' started years ago.. this isnt a new thing.
We have been meeting there even before there was a Timmies.

Nice. Aside from 403/dundas and here, are there any other hot spots? limited to certain days ?
Monday night at DQ at Broadview and Pottery Rd. has been a meeting spot for years, however, since the condo construction started, very few bikes go now. (limited parking)

I think its become a regular Scooter meetup area
You definitely are....im 2uping tonight....you bringing the wifey?

Are you telling me to build a side car to accomodate 4 kids, with her on the back, does Honda sell such a product for my bike.

To be continued.......
I think its become a regular Scooter meetup area

I am glad someone else noticed....I showed one day to met some friends and they almost outnumbered us....I was so confused and talking as if they could not hear me! funny $****!! bwahahahaha!
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