popo shut us down....
Yeah, that was interesting. I didn't catch exactly what they were saying, but apparently there were several complaints (gee, I wonder from whom...) and it was our first warning to vacate.
popo shut us down....
Were there no security guards there tonight? We've been there WITH PERMISSION all summer!!?popo shut us down....
Were there no security guards there tonight? We've been there WITH PERMISSION all summer!!?
-Jamie M.
Ahhh, complaints from the public. I thought you meant from the price chopper peopleNoise complaints apparently, from people peeling out of the lot. They showed up with a few cruisers and a paddy wagon, that's when I split
was it good?who saw that guy get punked by that girl?
who saw that guy get punked by that girl?
gotta be careful when you go cow tipping.
its safer to run then try and stand your ground when the cow charged him.
who saw that guy get punked by that girl?
L&L shutdown, Ertefa shutdown
where do we go!
There was only one loud bike that comes to mind, a cruiser with straight pipes that was painfully loud, everybody else was quite well behaved, and then the cops showed up.Noise complaints apparently, from people peeling out of the lot. They showed up with a few cruisers and a paddy wagon, that's when I split
gotta be careful when you go cow tipping.
its safer to run then try and stand your ground when the cow was charging him.
Lol! Finally got the joke.