Every Thursday night - Lakeshore and Leslie???

popo shut us down....
Were there no security guards there tonight? We've been there WITH PERMISSION all summer!!?

-Jamie M.
Were there no security guards there tonight? We've been there WITH PERMISSION all summer!!?

-Jamie M.

Noise complaints apparently, from people peeling out of the lot. They showed up with a few cruisers and a paddy wagon, that's when I split
Noise complaints apparently, from people peeling out of the lot. They showed up with a few cruisers and a paddy wagon, that's when I split
Ahhh, complaints from the public. I thought you meant from the price chopper people :(

-Jamie M.
I'm not sure I'd go so far as to say we've been there with permission. They've "tolerated" us for the last several months, if anything, and it's only been a matter of time before the police got involved again.
It was my first time there tonight. It was good. Kinda funny to see groups of guys huddled around the hand full of girls.

Some amazing bikes there. There must've been 250+ bikes there.
who saw that guy get punked by that girl?

gotta be careful when you go cow tipping.

its safer to run then try and stand your ground when the cow was charging him.

who saw that guy get punked by that girl?

I did. Was asking Jinni what happened.
I guess something sparked those 2 and she slapped him, and he dropped his lid. She goes off saying he's a dumbA..
Noise complaints apparently, from people peeling out of the lot. They showed up with a few cruisers and a paddy wagon, that's when I split
There was only one loud bike that comes to mind, a cruiser with straight pipes that was painfully loud, everybody else was quite well behaved, and then the cops showed up.
Yeah I was there till the time there was 1 cruiser with a lady cop asking everyone to leave and everyone was ignoring her.
I guess she called for back up then...
It seems like a lot of hate on for any sort of bike meets. Tons of security there trying to keep the bikes off the grocery store portion of the parking area. Definitely felt like we were not welcome and not wanted there. I bet even if someone set up a meet in the middle of the forest in algonquin park, the forest ranger would come and say they're getting noise complaints from the animals. lol.

Always entertaining though, one way or another... last time the crash incident... this time the big lady starting a fight with the biker.... I almost went to get popcorn before we got told to leave.
The hate was SELF made last night....there were 5-6 security guards...that were very nice

The bikers that parked along the front of price Chopper were asked many times to not park there....they yelled at the guards and said they can park any where they want

They all were in their 20's with coolio vests and thought they owed the place...
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