Every Thursday night - Lakeshore and Leslie???

sweet! i'll be on my blue GSXR ...i think i'll be there 9:30pm earliest we gotta wait for a buddy who gets off work at 8pmish.
i'll probably be rolling in a group of the big 4 japs =)
gsxr, r6, 636, 600rr.
and maybe a bandit 650 if he decides to come

i've always wanted to see your fiat r6 in person toys lol.
Decent turn out considering I came at like 11PM.
yea i was there when that happened lol. wonder if shes doing the 5 knuckle shuffle to the vids she took tonight right about now lol
Ya that blonde chick was trying to talk to our group on how she's going to start charging people fees to park on the price chopper lot
seriously?! she never came around to talk to my group, i heard she is the property manager though.
but the owner of the tim hortons will be ****** if she does that, imagine how much business would be lost by not having bikers go to timmies lol.
seriously?! she never came around to talk to my group, i heard she is the property manager though.
but the owner of the tim hortons will be ****** if she does that, imagine how much business would be lost by not having bikers go to timmies lol.

I highly doubt anyone would bother to continue showing up if parking fees were enforced.
^That's what we said.

She also was searching for our organizer. My buddies and I kept pointing at each other

My buddy got a pic for the parking lot nazi in action
seriously?! she never came around to talk to my group, i heard she is the property manager though.
but the owner of the tim hortons will be ****** if she does that, imagine how much business would be lost by not having bikers go to timmies lol.

Prob is guys its prob one property manager and the price choppers and tims have long term rental agreements. So the managers of Tims might not be able to say anything. Its above his/her head.
I say let 'em go ahead and put the parking gates & paid parking in place. If they think *we're* intimidating people and scaring away their customers, wait til they have to pay just to buy groceries or go for a coffee at Timmies! (The alternative of course being that they'd do validated parking, in which case I've seen places specifically disallow motorcycles in the lot... grr)

People are so bloody naive. Yeah, there may be the odd twit that shows up and bounces off the rev-limiter excessively, which definitely needs to stop hapening... but this whole "OH MY GOD BIKERS, THEY MUST ALL BE HELLS' ANGELS!!!" idea needs to be squashed. Plus, many of us are giving at least the Timmies/Wendy's business, and whether they think so or not, forcing us to leave will affect their business.

That said, having us stick to a certain part of the lot is a reasonable request, but it'll be hard to communicate that to everyone in an effective manner when there are always random/new riders showing up each week who don't know this. We've had police swing around and ask if we could all park along the south (Timmies side) end of the lot, apparently that's not part of Price Chopper's property or something?
We've had police swing around and ask if we could all park along the south (Timmies side) end of the lot, apparently that's not part of Price Chopper's property or something?

The only times that has happened when I was there was while the Price Chopper was still open. After that it the cops said it would be ok for us to go back.
i'm in for tonight!!!
Leaving from south Caledon if anyone wants to buzz down !!

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