Every Thursday night - Lakeshore and Leslie???

Hey guys,

Sorry I couldn't ride down to the baview extension and LL with you guys. My bulb blew out on me and with no lights and a tinted visor I figured it was the best option.

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Had a lot of riders out some familiar faces, but mostly new. Nice meeting you guys and I actually look forward to riding with you guys next time around. The roads are still cold and filled with debris so ride safe.
Going to be at K/C at 7:30 then rolling out by 7:40 to Leslie and Lake Shore.

See you riders there!
Great turnout tonight!

...an hour after everyone else took off, RFID finally showed up with new GSXR and suit:

So-o-o... What's about tonight?
I might show up after 9pm
I'm out tonight. have things to do :(
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I'll be there :D
I may come if I make it to the gym in time
I'm in...what time - 7:30ish!?!?!

I rode by tonight and saw everyone in there... I'll try to pop in next week
how many people showed up tonight?

Quite a few people were there tonight... easily over a hundred bikes when we got there close to 10pm. Apparently the Price Chopper doesn't appreciate riders being in "their" lot after hours. Do they think we're scaring away the customers that aren't there after they close or something?
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