Enough of COVID...what are you doing to the house?

Wife declared we would be putting carpet in the kids future bedrooms of the new house against my judgement. So far I've watched my wife with towel/cleaner trying to get the baby puke out of that carpet a dozen or so times now. No "I told you so's" needed on my part but I'm thinking you're right about the wet-vac being a good investment.
She is a brave woman....we have a small carpet in each room...my daughter (2yrs) is starting to climb out of the crib, so I want the carpet where her head would make contact with the floor...my wife thinks it's fine where it is.

Both carpets have been puked on, pooped on, and bled on...look almost brand new following the wet vacuum cleaning.
She is a brave woman....we have a small carpet in each room...my daughter (2yrs) is starting to climb out of the crib, so I want the carpet where her head would make contact with the floor...my wife thinks it's fine where it is.

Both carpets have been puked on, pooped on, and bled on...look almost brand new following the wet vacuum cleaning.
Mine has one of those 5ft round alphabet carpets by the crib. Wife tries to make it to that carpet when the kiddo seems to be heading towards puking. Doesn't always work so well at 2am. Which vacuum did you buy?
She is a brave woman....we have a small carpet in each room...my daughter (2yrs) is starting to climb out of the crib, so I want the carpet where her head would make contact with the floor...my wife thinks it's fine where it is.

Both carpets have been puked on, pooped on, and bled on...look almost brand new following the wet vacuum cleaning.
We've got something similar to this as a crash pad beside the bed. This house has hardwood and ex-dog shed like crazy so didn't want rugs/carpets. It is supposed to be indoor/outdoor so it is reasonably easy to clean up. A visiting dog has even dumped his entire bladder onto it and it cleaned up easily.

It’s never going back to pre-COVID. Like mentioned previously it’ll drop to a mid point.

Technically we’ve shown we’re willing to pay higher pricing, so there’s little incentive for the industry to drop back to low levels. I hope they do....but I’m doubtful we’ll ever see a 2x4 for $4.

I thought the only reason everyone is renovating is because people have extra cash from having to stay at home. Once people can eat out, travel, and vacation again, I'd expect the demand for building materials to go back to what it was before, and the prices to go back down. It's one thing to increase price because of limited supply and high demand, another to keep it artificially high just because.
I tend to agree with @mimico_polak , I don't think its ever going back to the very low margins we saw before, it will certainly drop to a point, but like .70cent gasoline and $2.00 bacon, its never going back to the bottom. Housing starts and construction will increase when sourcing (all products) becomes easier,
Home renos and cottage reno took some blame in this huge jump, but what really did it was mills being closed for 3-6 months and running with skeleton crews which limited production. One of Canadas largest MDF mills burnt in January and was off market for 3 months , GP mdf mill in Mount Jewit caught fire on Monday ( seriously) , they are down for 3 months.
Very little forest production was done in Russia last yr (or the yr before ) as the Taiga no longer freezes hard enough to get giant machinery in. So CDN timber gets shipped to Europe.
The Caribbean never did have many trees , but they have 3 hurricanes a yr. And this year FLA, Texas got whacked hard and needed to rebuild a few thousand houses, and northern Cali caught fire.
It all contributes to our costs, before inflation....
sorry , not seeing it. 4x8 7/16 osb still selling yesterday at $44.85 panel , 2x4-8 econos at $8.00 ea.

as an aside did you guys know the company that makes the chemical used to produce PT lumber is the same company that makes Moderna covid vaccine? crazy chemists!
I can't help myself.

If you die of a blood clot at least you won't rot.

Do you get a discount on the embalming?
Having serious excavator envy
When you get the crane to swing in your hot tub, have them leave a mini-ex in the backyard too. If the neighbours complain, just tell bylaw it is just a sandbox with toys, they just happen to be bigger than normal.
Decided to dig out a stump that has been annoying me was bigger than I expected.

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I manually took out a mature ash stump from a tree killed by borers. Shovel, bow saw, ax, sacrificial chain saw and a pressure washer to cut away the clay so I could see what direction the roots were going.

I thought the roots spread out like the branches, not the case. They turn back under other roots, over roots, up and down. I told a neighbour the hole was either going to be a swimming pool or my grave.
I manually took out a mature ash stump from a tree killed by borers. Shovel, bow saw, ax, sacrificial chain saw and a pressure washer to cut away the clay so I could see what direction the roots were going.

I thought the roots spread out like the branches, not the case. They turn back under other roots, over roots, up and down. I told a neighbour the hole was either going to be a swimming pool or my grave.
I normally cut off stumps almost flush and leave them. Our current house had a cedar that I wanted gone and decided to remove the stump. Bleeping bleeping landscapers. They plant trees with the root ball wrapped in chain link fence to make it easier to pick up with a machine. That's a special treat when trying to get it out by hand. Axe, recip saw, shovel, prybar and hours of swearing and it was out.
I normally cut off stumps almost flush and leave them. Our current house had a cedar that I wanted gone and decided to remove the stump. Bleeping bleeping landscapers. They plant trees with the root ball wrapped in chain link fence to make it easier to pick up with a machine. That's a special treat when trying to get it out by hand. Axe, recip saw, shovel, prybar and hours of swearing and it was out.
In my case new trees were going in so the old stump had to come out. I prefer leaving about four feet of tree so I can get some leverage on it with a come along. Once you get a few of the big roots cut the wiggle gives hints at the next root to go after.

If nothing is going back in and the stump can be ground to below grade that works as well.
I manually took out a mature ash stump from a tree killed by borers. Shovel, bow saw, ax, sacrificial chain saw and a pressure washer to cut away the clay so I could see what direction the roots were going.

I thought the roots spread out like the branches, not the case. They turn back under other roots, over roots, up and down. I told a neighbour the hole was either going to be a swimming pool or my grave.
Well since you’re alive do you have a swimming pool?
Got the pond edge dug out
All my stumps removed
Some trails made
Lots of stones moved

Found a pioneer landfill site while digging. Old glass bottles worth much?

View attachment 48985

Glass bottles at flea markets aren't cheap. Milk bottles go for crazy prices. At an auction a couple of years ago a guy paid $80 for an empty rusty one gallon oil can. That would be a retail price. Wholesale would be 10% +/-

Post some pictures

P.S. I like the yellow toys
lumber futures are like gambling on the Florida orange crop and hog bellies.

want to make 2 million in the futures business? well you start with 5 million bucks and ......

since its a house fixing thread, the dog threw up on the living room carpet, the new Oxy cleaner took the color right out, in the middle of the rug. Looks like 240sg ft of oak hardwood flooring required. F' me.
Call a pro carpet guy, they may be able to restore your carpets. Make sure they do bonnet cleaning, (not hot water extraction / steam cleaning).

it will cost you about $150 for the service call. They will bonnet the carpet, most of the time they can restore the DIY damage.
LOL well.... the carpets were all cleaned 6 month ago with a commercial machine , they are a bit dingy but not this far off. The mini spot pet cleaner with super Oxy is super all right.
I'm not sure what nitwit thought off white carpets are ever a good idea.
Thinking with largish dog(s) and two cats , its the excuse to just whack in hardwood. I didn't want to do it now, its winter work. But i also cant look at this 12" diameter white patch all summer. Its only 240sq ft so $1500. should fix it.
What kind of machine cleaned your carpets 6 mos ago? That might be your problem.
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