100 feet of basic chain link is under $1000 DIY so about $5.00 a foot if everyone works together. I have no idea of an installed price and obviously there are cheap fly by nights, fair prices and opportunists.The pay for half a fence goes back to medieval farming , to insure both farmers have an ok fence to keep the sheep at home . It’s not a bad law , but not everyone can afford half a fence .
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I can't recall what the common element was but the neighbour wanted something and it wasn't in our budget. He wasn't a DIY type. We agreed that if he paid for the material I'd put it in. Win win.
Farm fencing can be very complex. In some areas the landowner is responsible for the fences on particular sides even if he doesn't need them. "I'm bringing in a flock of sheep so you have to fix / install the fence on the X side of the pasture."