Here's what I've been up to the first part of 2023.
At the end of last summer I noticed some bad ordure around the house. Specifically around one area. I suspected what I might be. But didn't have time to rip anything apart until the beginning of the new year.
I had already did some work in this area beginning of last year, thought I had solved this as it was a problem previously as well. What I am referring to is the plumbing stack and how it connects to the upper part of the stack.
Here is what it looked like once I ripped everything out.
That spot where the ABS meets the metal pipe the fitting was failing.
Here is a better look why, as the metal had a hub like connector preventing a proper fit
So I had to fix that, but there were other issues with drainage and venting. So I had to re-direct some stuff and add more venting for each source. Now it looks like this:
New fitting between ABS and metal fits perfectly, now that I cut out the hub part.
What a difference! Not only that but I could feel the change in the house once it all got reconnected and vented properly.
A friend of mine said I was lucky to be alive
Tested everything no leaks and started to put back the framing. By next weekend should be all back together.
I can see how plumbers are worth the money. This wasn't easy work, physically very demanding.