This is how I foresee the future of vehicles: the general public will not buy or own cars. They will be electric, self driving taxis. You will have a monthly plan with a certain grade of car and amount of allowable km's. Much like cell phone plans. Nicer phone = nicer car, more data = more mileage.
You tell the car where and when to grab you, and where to take you and it complies. Then drives off to the next customer. Like a vacuum it will park/charge itself when it knows it's dead.
The only people that will own vehicles will be track drivers and construction or other related companies that haul tools/materials with them daily (or often).
This is just my thought, and truthfully, I think it can't come soon enough. All the space wasted on parking lots, fixed. The congestion due to on street parking, fixed. The garage space used to hold a car rather than a bunch of useless crap you don't need, fixed. Soccer moms merging onto a 400 series highway doing 60km/h, abolished.