So - What do you do now?
Almost none of the e-bikes that have been sold in the past decade meet what I think was the actual intent of an e-bike ... a bicycle, that you pedal, which won't go anywhere unless you are pedaling, but with a motor that helps out on hills.
Changing the definition of an e-bike to more closely represent its original intent, screws over the people who bought electric scooters and motorcycles that have vestigial pedals (i.e. most "e-bikes" that have actually been sold).
Perhaps ...
Those electric-powered skateboard things should not be on public roads in traffic. Never were legal, shouldn't be legal. (Brakes? Lights? What happens when you cross a streetcar track at an angle?)
Change the definition of an e-bike so that an original-intent e-bike (you pedal, it helps, no go unless you are pedalling) is subject to the same situation as now. No license needed, no insurance needed, no power assistance over 32 km/h, same rules of the road as a bicycle, because it is a bicycle with a motor that helps on hills.
Make a new sub-category of low-speed electric vehicles that don't need pedals. Max 32 km/h same as e-bikes now, require them to be licensed and have a license plate but make the license free.
Anything that can do more than 32 km/h under power is a "low-speed motorcycle", an existing category that needs a license plate and insurance. They can delete their useless pedals.