ebike good and bad in BC.

Have seen this before. Not a Grom specifically but some LSM or tiny scoot/bike that put the 'e-bike' plate on. Muffler was clearly showing exhaust and you could hear it while driving behind it. I pulled up to the guy and asked 'isn't that a gas powered engine?' he gave me the finger and rode off. LoL I love it.

I think someone posted a video or photos of one here last summer.
Some pics even have the pedals removed right on the showroom floor.


Isn't that a straight ripoff of the Ninja 300 in terms of looks? Why hasn't Kawasaki sued them for this?
Isn't that a straight ripoff of the Ninja 300 in terms of looks? Why hasn't Kawasaki sued them for this?
Sue whom? There are probably a pile of companies that are involved. It's easy enough for the mastermind to split up production or distribution (eg. Body panels to fit ninja 300) and then a different pile of companies assemble. Its whack a mole for the IP owner and may not be worth the lawyering required.
Oh hurray. Apparently ebike sales are soaring around the world as people want an alternative way to commute to avoid public transit. If that trend makes it to Ontario it will be a nightmare. Can you imagine an order of magnitude increase in ebikes? The crashes, the parking? Ugh. Do crashes increase linearly with number of ebikes or exponentially?

After that many are in the wild, it makes it an order of magnitude harder for Gov't to change to a reasonable definition of ebike. If you make people insure them, most will abandon them as insurance in ontario will be crazy expensive. That makes a lot of angry people that bought multi thousand dollar motorcycles they thought they could ride without insurance.
Let the gov't insure them and I'm all for more alternatives modes of transport. Hell we're going to need all the cash we can in the near future so why not. Maybe if the insurance companies find a new source of revenue they won't jack up car/motorcycle rates as much. One could only hope.
Let the gov't insure them and I'm all for more alternatives modes of transport. Hell we're going to need all the cash we can in the near future so why not. Maybe if the insurance companies find a new source of revenue they won't jack up car/motorcycle rates as much. One could only hope.
Not a bad plan. As a pilot project, ebike plates include insurance like normal plates in QC. Based on your driving/claims history, the plate price changes (and you arent eligible with a suspended license).
you guys think with the shite going on provincially and federally anyone in a position to effect change gives a flying F about ebikes? they are number 14,865 on the list of stuff to think about
you guys think with the shite going on provincially and federally anyone in a position to effect change gives a flying F about ebikes? they are number 14,865 on the list of stuff to think about

Like Covid 19 they'll be in denial, then when the problem overwhelms the system they will put through hasty, erroneous panic legislation.
They have pedals but.... I think if you can't pedal it around the block then it doesn't fit the criteria.
They have pedals but.... I think if you can't pedal it around the block then it doesn't fit the criteria.
The common sense criteria I am 100% with you. I have seen no rules in Canada that require anything remotely like that. The rules require the existence of pedals, but pedals that can move the bike forward 1" at 1 mph satisfy that requirement.
Wow, look at this ****. Just brazenly advertising this as a 100kmh ebike, they just recommend you don't go over 32 on roads.

Wow, look at this ****. Just brazenly advertising this as a 100kmh ebike, they just recommend you don't go over 32 on roads.

Haha. Must keep pedals attached to be anlegal ebike. I think they missed the part of the regulation about 500W max motor. That thing can never ever be a legal ebike.
Wow, look at this ****. Just brazenly advertising this as a 100kmh ebike, they just recommend you don't go over 32 on roads.

That’s an electric motorcycle, NOT a ‘power assisted bicycle’....lol!
Haha. Must keep pedals attached to be anlegal ebike. I think they missed the part of the regulation about 500W max motor. That thing can never ever be a legal ebike.
They also talk about stacking extra batteries for increased range, which I'm sure will put it over the 120kg weight limit. Clearly the guy thinks 32kmh is just like a speed limit and not a maximum capability limit.

Hopefully he gets sued when somebody gets stacked up with fines totaling 5x the machines value.
It would neat if the cops set up radar traps for ebikes. Once they have you doing over 32kph or whatever it's motorized and you're open to all the good fines - no license, no plate, no insurance.....
A couple news stories like that could really change things
It would neat if the cops set up radar traps for ebikes. Once they have you doing over 32kph or whatever it's motorized and you're open to all the good fines - no license, no plate, no insurance.....
A couple news stories like that could really change things
I had a cop laser me on a bicycle long ago on Kingston road (IIRC) coming down a hill. He gave me the slow down motion. I'm not really sure what reflected the beam, there isn't a lot of frontal area on a bike and there were no reflectors.
Wow, look at this ****. Just brazenly advertising this as a 100kmh ebike, they just recommend you don't go over 32 on roads.

Doesn’t look that bad. Hell I’d buy one.

But someone could theoretically report him to Kijiji I guess for misrepresentation.
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