East Coast Trip

I am going with my father leaving Trenton on the 30th of June till the 15th of July. Raf if you out on the east trip let me know :)

Looks like I can't do it. Forgot I have to take a week of work when I volunteer at the church camp. Can't take any other time off.
This is a nice ride on the way back too if you plan to stay in Halifax.


Don't forgot to ride 333 down to Peggys Cove.


We took the ferry from Pictou to PEI, I may be wrong, but I heard some said that coming out of PEI on the ferry is $35 while the bridge was $16 for us. I could be wrong, but you can check this out online. Going in was no charge.

We also took a detour through here on the way out. It was a nice road with little or no traffic.


We came back through the state. I personally would prefer to go through the state if I want to go out again. Hwy 2 is scenic, but the state side has more twist roads to offer if you cut across Adirondack Park to Vermont, white mountain in New Hampshire, Bangor and hwy #1 to the border etc...
This is a nice ride on the way back too if you plan to stay in Halifax.


Don't forgot to ride 333 down to Peggys Cove.


We took the ferry from Pictou to PEI, I may be wrong, but I heard some said that coming out of PEI on the ferry is $35 while the bridge was $16 for us. I could be wrong, but you can check this out online. Going in was no charge.

We also took a detour through here on the way out. It was a nice road with little or no traffic.


We came back through the state. I personally would prefer to go through the state if I want to go out again. Hwy 2 is scenic, but the state side has more twist roads to offer if you cut across Adirondack Park to Vermont, white mountain in New Hampshire, Bangor and hwy #1 to the border etc...

Very nice!
Keep em coming.

If you end up riding out on the 9th, then count me in. I will likely cross over to Newfoundland and head up into Labrador, but it would be great if I could tag along with you guys for the ride out.

We are planning for 1-9th for the time being
For those interested ... maybe I can tag along for part way. Try to get the routes/dates organized.

I am planning to solo it to the Atlantic Ocean then to Boston -- but company is always great too. Have cousins planning to visit there.

I am leaving July 8/11 from toronto.

Must see on the way to Boston though is to go up Mount Washington in New Hampshire.

see here:
Looks like I can't do it. Forgot I have to take a week of work when I volunteer at the church camp. Can't take any other time off.

Sucks. Maybe next year :) I wanna go west next year if I can. I get another week vacation starting next year.
what is the current status of this trip? how many riders already committed and who is leading this ride?
what is the current status of this trip? how many riders already committed and who is leading this ride?

So far the trip is planned for July 1-9. There is only one person who can make it for more than 1 week.

I am leading this trip
Curious what you'll be riding, what kind of range does the bike have?
I could be up for this ride.... Would prefer heading out through the US to the Atlantic and following the coast up and then return through Canada. I went to see Dr. Summeroff since I am really sick of working...:D So, timing is not an issue. Is it still July 1st to the 9th? Camping or Motel works although I am new to camping off the bike but would like to get the experience. I am also flexible with breaking off and doing Newfoundland either solo or group. I can do 600-800kms per day easily but don't want to be rushed if I can help it.
Why do u ask? :)

Just curious, I haven't done any long distance riding so this ride is definitely not the way to "pop my cherry". One thing that would be at the front of my mind is distance between fill ups, just because my bike only has a 10L tank
Just curious, I haven't done any long distance riding so this ride is definitely not the way to "pop my cherry". One thing that would be at the front of my mind is distance between fill ups, just because my bike only has a 10L tank

Depends on your fuel consumption. If u have a 125cc I am sure it can be done, or strap a reserve bottle. I get around 200km from my tank and its a gsxr 750.

It takes a bit of planning and prepping, especially the machine you are gonna be depending on. Make sure your chain is good; enough brakes, tires, batteries, etc.
I could be up for this ride.... Would prefer heading out through the US to the Atlantic and following the coast up and then return through Canada. I went to see Dr. Summeroff since I am really sick of working...:D So, timing is not an issue. Is it still July 1st to the 9th? Camping or Motel works although I am new to camping off the bike but would like to get the experience. I am also flexible with breaking off and doing Newfoundland either solo or group. I can do 600-800kms per day easily but don't want to be rushed if I can help it.

We would do motels. I am starting to get a list of motels in the town we are gonna be stopping off. I dont know if I mention it, but I didnt want to pack too heavy, thats why I decide to do motels. I think we could normally split rooms to cut costs.

So to re-iterate 1-9 July.
Im interested...I'd actually like to meet up with all the riders in the group to discuss the plans. what would you think about that?
Im interested...I'd actually like to meet up with all the riders in the group to discuss the plans. what would you think about that?

We should... Any ideas or where and when?
Im interested...I'd actually like to meet up with all the riders in the group to discuss the plans. what would you think about that?

That would be ideal. One other rider is out of the country, ie Slogan. Don't know when he might be back.

I'm located in Scarboro, don't know where everyone else is coming.

I'm also working this Saturday.
im in mississauga, I can meet up in the next few weeks, during the week, my weekends in June have already been scheduled.
I'm actually free this Tuesday (31st May). I am off.

We can meet by that Timmies in Mississauga, can't remember the location. I think its in Bovaird, where lots of bikers go.

That should be fair because another person is coming from Hamilton, I assume.

Let me know. I actually want to know what everyone is bringing, so we can spread of the load. We don't want more than one toolbox or more than one can of "fix a flat".

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